Revealed! How You Can Make ANY Hypnosis Session 100x’s More Powerful!

The secret to making hypnosis more powerful is to first make it more focused.

This is something that most hypnotist don’t know or don’t want to tell you!

Now I’m going to spill the beans and share it with you…

The Secret Revealed...

It starts BEFORE the Hypnosis!

Its what you do before the hypnosis session to set the intention.

Every competent hypnotist is building frames to work within and of course setting goals to be achieved.

But hands down the most POWERFUL way of ensuring that your hypnosis session is going to be 100x’s more powerful is to use cutting edge Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques before the hypnosis session.

And if you laser focus your goal for a specific thing that you want to achieve (like more motivation to go to the gym) then the results will be far more powerful. Because you can clearly imagine how achieving it will improve your life. Having a clear focused image of your goals is vital to achieving goals.

So when you add a focused image of the results you want to see with the NLP techniques to supercharge and laser focus that goal, then you listen to the hypnosis session you will experience the FULL power of hypnosis. You will achieve results that are 100x's more powerful.

Let me give you an example

Say you want to be more confident. You pick a laser focused area that you want to be more confident in. For example, talking to people socially.

Then you use 1 or 2 different NLP techniques to supercharge your confidence in this area. This boosts your confidence massively and allows the hypnosis session to work much more powerfully.

This way you will achieve the results you are really looking for, 100 times more powerfully.

You can then rinse and repeat this process with different areas that you want to be more confident in. Your unconscious mind will start to fill in the gaps and you will gain the benefits of more confidence in other areas of your life too. 100 times more powerful.

When You Use The Power of NLP Before Hypnosis Your Results Will Be Laser Focused And Profound

I always remember the first time I used Hypnosis and the HUGE impact it had on my life!

It was a motivation video (we're going back over 20 years now before DVD's). I didn't know it at the time but it was full of NLP techniques, both before and during the hypnosis session.

At the beginning of the video the hypnotist was talking about motivation and he talked me through a series of ‘thought’ exercises first. Imagination exercises to follow along with while watching the video.

Well it turns out that these ‘thought’ exercises were NLP techniques for motivation.

It was almost a year later when I found out that these ‘thinking’ exercises were in fact NLP techniques, laser focusing my motivation in different areas of my life.

That’s why this hypnosis session was so much more powerful than some other hypnosis sessions I tried afterwards.

These techniques were created by Dr Richard Bandler and have been used as the number one ‘go to’ tools for some of the worlds best therapists and agents of change…

and NOW I’m bringing them to you.

This is the big secret to making hypnosis sessions 100 times more powerful. First you laser focus the hypnosis session and then supercharge it with NLP techniques before relaxing into the hypnosis session itself.

You Will Achieve The Results You Are Really Looking For

These Powerful NLP techniques work in minutes. And when you use them before the hypnosis session the change is more profound.

And you will have given your unconscious mind a very precise guide map for the results you want to see and get. One that you can build on to create a far more powerful result throughout your life.

This way you will achieve the results you are really looking for, 100 times more powerfully.

Another benefit of using NLP with the Hypnosis is that you will ‘Future Pace’ these new behaviours into your future. You literally lock them into place. So in situations in your future where you need that boost it will be there, already locked in.

But Simply Explaining This is Not Enough

I want you to experience this life changing power for yourself…

So, I have recorded a video that explains this process a little deeper.

Along with a perfect NLP technique to practice with. A full NLP intervention to help you become really clear on what you want.

Having a Clear Mental Image is the corner stone of EVERY personal development system. From Wallace Wattles 100 year old best selling ‘The Science of Being’ Trilogy to the most up to date personal development systems out there today…

And, as we have already seen having a clear mental image is fundamental for achieving the greatest success in other areas of your own personal development.

You MUST have a Clear Mental Image of what you want, to achieve it!

Having a Clear Mental Image is Important

To achieve any goal you must be able to visualize that goal. You need to give your mind a clear and well defined mental image of precisely what it is that you want to achieve. Think of it like the road map… without the map you could end up lost and nowhere near your target.

Everything that has ever been made by man was first a thought. A clearly defined image in the mind of the creator until it became reality.

To make your goals and aspirations reality you must first get a clear mental image of them. You need to picture them in your mind constantly and they must be things you truly desire.

A vague idea is not good enough… To want to be rich is not enough… you need to picture what being rich would really mean to you, you need to be focused and clear.

When you have a clear mental image of the things you want in your life, they will be motivate you more and taking action to achieve them will become far easier, even fun.

You Can Experience the Power of Tailored NLP and Hypnosis Today And Get a Clear Mental Image

I discovered that what most people are looking for is a Simple, Fast and Effective Step by Step Approach for Personal Growth and Becoming the Very Best they can be.

Hypnosis is the fastest and most effective way to make lasting change. Cutting straight through to the unconscious mind and effortlessly reprogram your mind for instant changes. And when coupled with the tailored NLP technique I have recorded, this hypnosis session will be 100 times more powerful.

This hypnosis session is one of my most popular hypnosis tracks and for good reason.

Having a Clear mental Image is vital to your personal development and future success.

So today I am offering you A Clear Mental Image Dynamic Hypnosis Session in two versions (one with binaural beats) along with the specifically tailored NLP technique video so that you get 100 times more powerful results on increasing your ability to get a clear mental image…

Make Hypnosis 100x More Powerful
And Get A Clear Mental Image Just $66 $7

Order NowGet a Clear Mental Image
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Give this ‘Clear Mental Image Power Package’ 60 days, and if you are not happy and don’t find yourself making huge positive improvements, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full…no questions asked.

Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that.

Apply the FULL Power of Hypnosis and NLP and
Make HUGE and Lasting Impacts in Your Life

Well, this is it. A Dynamic Hypnosis Session that sells for $27... Plus an NLP video specifically designed to maximize the power of the hypnosis session and make it 100 times more powerful. This video is worth $39.  Making a total value of $66...

Today you can experience the power of Hypnosis and NLP working harmony and create your own powerful clear mental image for just $66 $7

This is about everyone getting the very best out of their hypnosis experiences. I want you to be as passionate about hypnosis as I am and to experience the full power of hypnosis. I want you to get the results that you desire and to get really clear about what you really want in life.

Getting a Clear Mental Image is the foundation of EVERY personal development system and this AMAZINGLY valued package will help you do just that.

It is covered by my 100% Money back guaranteed. If you don't like it for ANY reason you can have a full refund. Get started Risk Free Today.

Order NowGet a Clear Mental Image

In This 100 Times Power Package You Will Receive:

Tailored NLP Video: Making Hypnosis 100 Times More Powerful

With this guided NLP video you will laser focus and future pace your goals and aspirations, turning dreams into reality

Dynamic Hypnosis MP3: A Clear Mental Image

Two Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions, one with binaural beats to help you relax into a deeper meditative state. With a Clear Mental Image, achieving your goals will become far easier, even fun.

Make Hypnosis 100x More Powerful
And Get A Clear Mental Image Just $66 $7

Order NowGet a Clear Mental Image

Ps: You can supercharge your hypnosis experiences with this superpower video and hypnosis power package for just $66 $7

Like I said, I want you to succeed.

I hope you enjoy the session

Pps: And as always, let me know how you get on. If you give me feedback, I can make more of the things you like and help you better to achieve your dreams.

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