The Scientific Wealth Activator
Turbo Charge Your Wealth Mindset with Wallace Wattles ‘First Principle’ of the Science of Getting Rich as a State of Art Hypnosis Recording.
This is a FREE Hypnosis recording and Audio Book from Hypnosis.Land. Credit Card NOT required.
Wallace Wattles Classic book The Science of Getting Rich is STILL a Bestseller & Regarded as Mandatory Reading by the RICH & SUCCESSFUL
Combining Wallace Wattles, Beautiful Relaxing Music and
Powerful Dynamic Hypnosis for Awesome Results
A New Evolution of The Science of Getting Rich
For the first time Wallace Wattles best selling classic ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ has been transformed into hypnosis. Now you can benefit from the powerful advancement in technology and technologies of the mind (not available in Wallace Wattles day), along with John Vincent's skills as a Master Hypnotist and NLP Trainer to understand Wallace Wattles teachings of The Science of Getting Rich on a much deeper level.
Hypnosis Cuts Straight Through the Negativity
The ultimate in easy learning, easy relaxation. All you have to do is press play, lay back and the hypnosis does the rest. Hypnosis cuts straight to your unconscious mind and effortlessly reprograms your mind for instant changes. So you will be more relaxed throughout the day, even in situations that may have previously stressed you out.
Music Has an Amazing Effect on the Mind
Music affects your mood… playing a cheerful song will go a long way to improving your mood and mellow music can help you sleep at night. The right music is a powerful medium for change. Using music by Christopher Lloyd Clark BSc, MscD. Music that encourages deep relaxation, spiritual awakening, healing and altered sates of consciousness.
Brainwave Entrainment Technology Guides You into Deeply Relaxing and Meditative Theta
Our brains are brimming with electrical activity every single minute of our lives. Brainwaves differ from each other by their frequency. Theta Brainwaves sit on the cusps between relaxed Alpha and the deep sleep of Delta. It is here that you are in the perfect state to let go of stress and encourage your mind and body to rejuvenate. And that is why Theta Binaural Beats are used in these recordings.
Download The Scientific Wealth Activator FREE!
Turbo Charge Your Wealth Mindset with Wallace Wattles ‘First Principle’ of the Science of Getting Rich as a State of Art Hypnosis Recording.
Get started today with a download of SOGR First Principle Hypnosis FREE
Scientific Wealth Activator - FREE MP3
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