Take Time Out For You to Renew, Recharge and Rejuvenate
Download Gratitude Hypnosis FREE!

- Relax, Sleep Deeper, Boost Your Immune System, Feel Healthier and Have More Energy
- Make Better Decisions, Improve Your Productivity and Get Motivated to Achieve Your Goals
- Improve Your Relationships, Increase Your Optimism and Improve Your Self Esteem
Saying "Thank You" Brings a Smile to People's Faces... it Also Lights Up Different Areas of Your Brain, Making You Feel Happier.
The long term Benefits of Practicing Conscious Gratitude on your health, happiness and general well-being have been proven again and again. This hypnosis session Supercharges Your Unconscious Mind, literally rewiring your mind for a more Grateful and Abundant Mind-set. Gratitude is a massive contributor to improving your health, wealth and happiness.
"Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, ranging from envy and resentment to frustration and regret"
Dr Robert Emmons, Ph.D.
Where You Put Your Attention, You Put Your Focus and Energy
Everyone wants more happiness, better relationships, more wealth, health and time to do the things we love doing. But sometimes we get so caught up in wanting more we don’t realise what we do have.
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough” Oprah Winfrey.
This Powerful Mind Reprogramming Hypnosis Session refocuses your mind so you can let go of 'what's wrong' and 'what's not right' with your world, and instead start focusing on 'what you do have' and 'all that's wonderful in your life'. The more you do, the more you get...
‘Neurons That Fire Together Wire Together’, this is a simplified conclusion of Hebb’s Law. Basically, the more grateful you are, the more feelings of gratitude you have… obvious right. And feeling grateful feels good! Well, it also helps you get more of the things you want.
“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for” Zig Ziggler.
A team of Scientists at the University of Southern California found that Gratitude changes the structure of the brain. Particularly the Anterior Cingulate Cortex and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex... And if you don’t have a degree in Neuro-science basically these areas are associated with emotional processing, interpersonal bonding, moral judgment and the ability to understand the mental states of others.
Gratitude is powerful indeed. It is the most important emotion. It’s the emotion that puts things in motion.
Think about when you give someone close to you a present, they open it and the look on their face is a picture. How good does that make you feel? In fact, it makes you want to give another gift... and how grateful are you when you receive gift.
Gratitude Has Been Scientifically Proven To:
- Improve your psychological health and mental alertness
- Improve physical health, raising energy and boost your immune systems
- Increase optimism and promote a positive self-esteem
- Deepen restorative sleep and relax your whole system
- Increase productivity and motivation to achieve your goals
- Put you in the right state of mind to make good decisions
- Improve existing relationships and attract new ones into your life
- Boost happiness and overall feelings of well-being
Take Time Out For You to Renew, Recharge and Rejuvenate
Download Gratitude Hypnosis FREE!

- Relax, Sleep Deeper, Boost Your Immune System, Feel Healthier and Have More Energy
- Make Better Decisions, Improve Your Productivity and Get Motivated to Achieve Your Goals
- Improve Your Relationships, Increase Your Optimism and Improve Your Self Esteem
Gratitude Hypnosis - FREE MP3
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