
This letter is to you... because you like me, want to change your life and I applaud that and want to say 'Thank You' and help you in 2019. 

It is my sincere desire that you have benefited from my work and I’d like to help you take your success through the Roof!

And one of the things I’d like to do is to Give You Complete and Full Access to my Hypnosis Land Collection including:

#1 Personal Transformation - the SIX week plan to the Ultimate You

#2 Peak Power Hypnosis - featuring the groundbreaking Trypnaural Technology

#3 Free Your Mind - the FOUR week plan for deleting Limiting Beliefs holding you back

#4 SOGR Hypnosis -  17 hypnosis sessions based on the classic book: The Science of Getting Rich

These program together would cost you $788.00 dollars.

You’re getting these FREE and I will tell you why in a moment… very briefly I want to quickly tell you a little about these programs

Personal Transformation

A SIX week plan to the Ultimate New You with instant results every step of the way using the unique Personal Transformation system combining hypnosis and NLP. Become the person you want to be, supercharged with positivity, creativity, enhanced self-confidence, charisma, motivation and more.

Peak Power Hypnosis

Is about Peak Performance and Efficiency, featuring the groundbreaking Trypnaural Technology. Starting with Mind Restore for better sleep and rest, taking inspired efficient action, removing bad habits and creating empowering new ones, supercharging your self belief and more. New Life Hacks for Peak Performance of Mind, Body & Soul.

Free Your Mind

Ridding doubt and fears from your mind. Destroying limiting beliefs and creating powerful new positive beliefs about you and what you can achieve. This video series focuses on freeing your mind of negative emotions, anxieties and doubts. Unleashing hidden skills and unlocking your true potential.

The Science of Getting Rich Hypnosis

17 dynamic hypnosis sessions, one for each chapter of Wallace Wattles best selling book by the same name. Following his system for wealth creation, understanding it deeper with hypnosis. You have the right to be rich and there is a secret to achieving it… there is a Science to It!

Now you may be wondering why I want to give you all of this…

It’s because of my desire and commitment to take your success through the Roof this year… and Beyond!

And I know I can help you achieve your desires.

The things that you know you want to achieve this year, I will help you achieve.

And the areas that you are a little unclear on, I will help you get clarity.

“When you really know what you want… it becomes EASY!”

Each month we will hop on the phone (or video call) for a 30 Minute Coaching Call and connect. Working together on Your Success.

Getting more of what you want and need in your life right now. Creating a clear plan for your future and giving the areas of your life that need it, more energy.

All supported with the HUGE library of Hypnosis recordings and NLP sessions, making 2019 the BEST YEAR EVER!

PLUS (Yep theres more!)

You’re also getting:

#5 FREE SoBeing Circle Membership - Value $47 a month ($564.00 yearly value)

Each month you’ll receive a SoBeing Circle episode, a MasterClass for Health, Wealth and Happiness. In these monthly sessions you'll go deeper on your success. Exploring and deepening your results month by month.

Including techniques and brand new ‘done-for-you’ guided visualisations for: Letting Go, Maximising Your Gratitude and Consciously Creating the Future You Desire.

And within the SoBeing Circle I ‘hot-seat’ (work with) at least one member of the group like a mini one-to-one* each month, some of these are recorded and shared with the group, others remain private (it's your call).

Access to this SoBeing Circle will support and supercharge your results... and you'll be living Your Best Year EVER… (until next year!).

So if you’re interested in taking your success through the roof. Succeeding more this year and are ready to find out if this is right for you…

>> Get Started Here <<  

Let’s Start Working Together & Lets Supercharge Your Results.

- Your Live 30 Minute Coaching Call, where the magic really happens

- The Full Hypnosis Land Collection (including 28 hypnosis recordings, 6 NLP sessions & 4 full workshops)

- Plus The SoBeing Circle Monthly Membership

>> Join Here <<