3 Powerful Hypnosis Titles :: 17 Transformational Instant Downloads :: 72% DISCOUNT Ends in ::
Stop Worrying, Clear Blocks &
Start Manifesting the Life You Want
The Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection

Releasing & Letting Go
- Gain Emotional Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Doubt
- Create Deeper Connections with Family and Friends
- Improve Your Psychological Health, Happiness and Mental Alertness
Deep Theta Healing
- Experience Pure Relaxation and Relief from Stress
- Be Rejuvenated with an Enhanced Purpose and Passionate Drive for Life
- Elevate Your Levels of Creativity, Mental Clarity and Vigour
Overcoming Procrastination
- Connect with a Deeper Sense of Self Purpose
- Make Good Decisions, Boost Your Determination and Take Efficient Action
- Beat Lethargy and Enjoy a Sense of Achievement
Hypnosis Super Collection for Deep Mind/Body Healing & Igniting that Spark for Making Manifest the Life You Want
During these recordings you’ll enter a deep theta brainwave state, instantly dissolving stresses and rejuvenating in this deeply healing state.
Optimising your immune system and promoting healing of both your mind and body, Theta Brainwaves are used to facilitate a whole mind/body holistic healing experience.
Let Go & Clear Space for the Life You Really Want
3 Powerful Hypnosis Titles: 17 Transformational Instant Downloads (Value $128) Just $37
Module One: Releasing & Letting Go

- Gain Emotional Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Doubt
- Create Deeper Connections with Family and Friends
- Improve Your Psychological Health, Happiness and Mental Alertness
- Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
- Releasing & Letting Go Conscious Mind Primers (3x CMP Sessions)
Focus this Module on Any Area of Your Life…
From the Big Things, to the Little Things. Any Area where you have Blocks you need to Let Go of. Even Unconscious Blocks.
When you Let Go it refocuses your mind on what you do want. You start to focus on the positive things you wish to create, the goals you want to achieve.
The problem with focusing on the past, and giving time to self doubt and anxiety is that you are focusing on what you don’t want! And it's so easily done... a lot of times without even noticing that you're doing it. Time for Change.
When you Let Go, you re-orientate yourself in the right direction. And focus your energy towards the future you desire... and the more you focus on a thing the more you see it. The more you find opportunities and meet people who make the impossible happen. Refocus your mind, focus on your desires... now.
Just Imagine What You'll Achieve When You Let Go...

Achieve Emotional Freedom from Anxiety, Worry & Doubt. Believe in Your Abilities to Succeed

Let Go of Disagreements. Create Deeper Connections with Family & Friends

Stop Worrying about the ‘How’ and ‘What ifs’. Relax and Let the Creative Solutions Come to You

Release the Past. Re-Focus Your Mind and Energy… the Future is Yours to Choose
Module Two: Deep Theta Healing

- Experience Pure Relaxation and Relief from Stress
- Be Rejuvenated with an Enhanced Purpose and Passionate Drive for Life
- Elevate Your Levels of Creativity, Mental Clarity and Vigour
- Deep Theta Healing Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
Allowing Your Mind & Body Time to Rejuvenate & Energise
Entering the Theta Brainwave State Helps Optimise Your Immune System, Promotes Mind/Body Healing & Opens Your Potential For Self Healing
We live in a world that demands fast results and constant productivity. While good for the economy, this state of being can cause us more stress and health problems. Our minds can become too busy and cluttered and our spirits can feel dragged down by this lifestyle.
Instantly Dissolve Stress With Theta Healing Hypnosis
Stress is the biggest factor in damaging the immune system. Increases in Cortisol (the stress hormone) can cause weight gain, and repeated exposure actually damages your DNA.
When in the Theta Brainwave State, both your body and mind experience enhanced rejuvenation, growth and healing. Theta is used to facilitate a whole body / mind holistic healing experience.
Think And Grow Young!
Studies are repeatably showing that regularly Meditation and Hypnosis increases many health biomarkers, including repairing your DNA!
Deep Theta Healing Combines the Power of Hypnosis to Guide Your Healing, Health, Wellbeing & Vitality

Experience Pure Relaxation & Relief of Stress. Be Rejuvenated with Health & Vigour

Think And Grow Young! Directing Your Healing, Health, Wellbeing & Vitality

Elevate Your Levels of Creativity & Mental Clarity. Increase Your Memory & Concentration

Experience Boosts in Health & Wellbeing. With Increased Energy to Enjoy Your Life
Module Three: Overcoming Procrastination

- Connect with a Deeper Sense of Self Purpose
- Make Good Decisions, Boost Your Determination. Take Efficient Action
- Beat Lethargy and Enjoy a Sense of Achievement
- Overcoming Procrastination Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
- Overcoming Procrastination Conscious Mind Primer (1x CMP Sessions)
Procrastination Kills Your Dreams, Ruins Your Ambitions & Limits Your Enjoyment of Life. Experience More Effortless Success
“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.”
Hunter S. Thompson
Let’s face it, we all put off doing ‘certain things’ until the last minute… right?
We all procrastinate… you are not alone! But as that deadline draws nearer, procrastinating is the worst thing you can do!
There are those difficult tasks, ones maybe you don’t feel confident doing or just plain don’t like… but they have to be done. The later it’s left… is just more time for stress to build.
Then there are those difficult decisions… if you procrastinate, those decisions will be made for you. They will no longer be your choices.
The effects of procrastinating have huge impacts on your personal wellbeing and your levels of success.
Every area of your health, wealth, happiness and success. It impacts your personal, social and financial relationships.
Procrastination leads to lethargy. One of the lowest of vibrational states you can be in. You end up with less energy, enthusiasm and you feel like it!
Imagine What You'll Achieve When You Stop Procrastinating

Become a Decisive Decision Maker & Take Efficient Action

Put an End to Your Old Cycles of Procrastination

Experience a Sense of Achievement at the End of Each Day

Gain More Time-Freedom with Efficient Time Management
Stop Worrying, Clear Blocks &
Start Manifesting the Life You Want
The Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection
3 Powerful Hypnosis Titles
17 Transformational Instant Downloads
(Value $128) Just $37
17 Transformational Instant Downloads
3 Powerful Hypnosis Titles :: 17 Transformational Instant Downloads :: 72% DISCOUNT Ends in ::
John Vincent is a Hypnotherapist, SoBeing Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Consciousness Explorer. With over 20 years of living, studying and learning meditation, altered sates of consciousness, accelerated learning and a host of other related mind studies.
Working as an independent Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Personal Development Specialist with private clients, at Retreats and online for over 16 years. Creating his own unique blend of hypnosis and NLP tools to help his clients get the results they desire.
John has invested over 3,200 hours of Continued Professional Development (CPD), in the last 16 years assisting at over 50 Hypnosis and NLP Seminars with Dr Richard Bandler and the society of NLP. As well as assisting UK Hypnotist and self-help phenomenon Paul McKenna PhD at his events.

John Vincent
Each Module Contains POWERFUL Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions
Combining Gentle, Relaxing Music with Powerful Dynamic Hypnosis forAwesome Results
Hypnosis Cuts Straight Through the Negativity
The ultimate in easy learning and relaxation. All you have to do is press play, lay back and the hypnosis does the rest.
Hypnosis cuts straight through to your unconscious mind and effortlessly reprograms your mind for instant change.
So you will be more relaxed throughout the day, even in situations that may have previously stressed you out.
These Hypnosis Sessions have ALL been carefully written and recorded by me (John Vincent) using over 20 years experience to deliver you a high quality, relaxing and transformational experience.

Music Has an Amazing Effect on the Mind
Music affects your mood… playing a cheerful song will go a long way to improving your mood and mellow music can help you sleep at night.
The right music is a powerful medium for change.
Using the beautiful music of Dr Christopher Lloyd Clark BSc, MscD... Music that encourages deep relaxation, spiritual awakening, healing and altered sates of consciousness.
Just the pure essentials… a gentle wandering melody that was created with a bowed glass instrument. This intoxicating combination of sounds will relax you to your core, encouraging your mind to become still.
Moving From the Beta to Theta States

Our brains are brimming with electrical activity every single minute of our lives. Brainwaves differ from each other by their frequency.
Beta waves are the most common state of normal waking conditions, its that busy everyday setting.
When you relax you move into an Alpha State, the relaxed fluid creative state... Relax further and you're in Theta.
This Theta State is the Deeply Healing Regenerative Brainwave State where Hypnosis cuts straight through the static and negative self-talk.
And that is why Theta Binaural Beats are used in the BWE Dynamic Hypnosis recordings.
Stop Worrying, Clear Blocks &
Start Manifesting the Life You Want
The Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection
3 Powerful Hypnosis Titles: 17 Transformational Instant Downloads (Value $128) Just $37
In Multiple Formats Because Repetition is KEY
Each Module Contains the Hypnosis in FOUR Versions
When you do something new, learn or think something new, you create new neural pathways in your brain.
"Synapses that fire together, wire together."
If one person walks across a lawn you probably wouldn't notice. If they walked across that same path multiple times every day, or if lots of people walked the same route, the pathway across the lawn would become bigger and increase in size.
This is just like the neural pathways in your brain. The more you think the same thought the thicker the pathway becomes and the bigger and more important that thought becomes... influencing your behaviour.
What are your thoughts focused on most? What do you think about more than anything else? Is it good for you... or not?
The subjects you spend most of your time thinking about... do they support you and help you get more of the life you want or are they the opposite.
Hypnosis Changes the Structure of the Brain
Hypnosis has been shown time and time again to rapidly create and strengthen neural connections. When you use Hypnosis recordings regularly, the results are exponential... and effortlessly!
That’s Why Each Module Contains the Hypnosis in FOUR Versions:
- 1. Dynamic Hypnosis Session (with beautiful meditation music)
- 2. Dynamic Hypnosis Session (also with Theta Binaural Beat)
- 3. HypnosisSleep Session (wake up naturally)
- 4. PowerNap Session (short Daytime Booster)
The Dynamic & BWE Hypnosis Sessions
The full length Dynamic Hypnosis Session in each module is your starting point…
Each Module contains these full length hypnosis sessions in two versions. Both in their natural format with beautiful music and a version with the added benefit of Theta Binaural Beats.
Binaural Beats are a form of Brainwave Entrainment (BWE) that naturally synchronises your brainwaves with the theta binaural beat, helping you go even deeper into trance.
Although the Theta Binaural Beats are subtle, you may not even notice them, headphones are needed for them to work.
The HypnosisSleep Session
The ultimate in easy learning, all you have to do is press play, lay back and get a great nights sleep.
Whilst you drift into a deep sleep with the relaxing music you put the powerful resources of your unconscious mind to work. Reprogramming and supercharging your unconscious mind for releasing and letting go of anything that is no longer serving you.
These HypnosisSleep sessions are designed to be listened to after the main Hypnosis sessions and will give you long term reinforcement effortlessly.
Learning during your sleeping hours is a highly effective way to realise your full potential effortlessly. Using the hypnosis and amazingly relaxing music, music that encourages deep relaxation, spiritual awakening, healing and altered sates of consciousness.
The HypnosisSleep sessions are specifically designed to harness the power of your unconscious whilst your body is at rest so you can absorb new information quickly and directly into your unconscious mind.
Plus, because the HypnosisSleep sessions take you into a deeper, more relaxed sleep state at the start of your night, you will find you wake up from a HypnosisSleep night more refreshed, energised and ready to start your day.
The 11 Minute PowerNap
Powerful hypnotic boosts of focus and motivation during your day, letting go of the old habits and refocusing your mind for success.
Designed to give you an 11 minute mental recharge during the day whenever you feel your energy is dipping, this session works on both a conscious and unconscious level – programming you for more effortless focus and self-motivation.
The idea of a “power nap” has been around for centuries and is reputed to have been used by the likes of Salvador Dali, Aldous Huxley, Thomas Edison, Da Vinci, Einstein and many more.
What People Are Saying About John's Hypnosis...
"I just feel wonderful and am noticing subtle shifts. Thank you for your generosity of spirit."
Suz De J
"I have bought all your hypnosis programs recently and they have changed my life."
Warren Thackeray Dip.Hyp.
"No words can express the gratitude I feel towards you for creating all these absolutely awesome recordings."
Barry H
"THANK YOU for being so generous, infinite blessings back to you!!!"
Elsa M
"Very cool little synchronicity's have been popping up and my head is buzzing.... very cool new vibration. Thanks much! Namaste."
Becky T
"This is totally awesome. I feel phenomenal. Thank you for sharing. Everyday has been better than the last… Words cannot express how grateful I am."
Tellie K
PLUS This Collection Includes FOUR Conscious Mind Primer Sessions
The SECRET to Making Any Hypnosis Session More Focused
Used right, your conscious mind is a powerful tool in getting the life you want.
When you learn to take control of your conscious mind you can write positive programs into your unconscious mind…
These Conscious Mind Primer sessions are designed to speak directly to your conscious mind, to focus your mind and target specific areas of your life where you want to see results. Making the hypnosis session even more powerful!
Because the secret to making hypnosis more powerful is to first make it more focused.
It's what you do before the hypnosis session to set the intention… that makes all the difference.
If you laser focus your goal for a specific area where you want to 'Release & Let Go/Heal Deeply/Overcome Procrastination' then the results you will experience will be far more powerful. Because you can clearly imagine how achieving it will improve your life and having a clear focused image of your goals is vital to achieving them.
When you add a focused image of the results you want to see and laser focus your mind on achieving them, then you listen to the hypnosis session you will experience the FULL power of hypnosis.
When You Use The Power of NLP Before Hypnosis Your Results Will Be Laser Focused & More Profound
THREE Hypnotic Modules for Clearing Space
The Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection
Releasing & Letting Go - Deep Theta Healing - Overcoming Procrastination
Module ONE: Releasing & Letting Go (Value $37)
- Gain Emotional Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Doubt
- Create Deeper Connections with Family and Friends
- Improve Your Psychological Health, Happiness and Mental Alertness
- Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
- Releasing & Letting Go Conscious Mind Primers (3x CMP Sessions)
Module Two: Deep Theta Healing (Value $37)
- Experience Pure Relaxation and Relief from Stress
- Be Rejuvenated with an Enhanced Purpose and Passionate Drive for Life
- Elevate Your Levels of Creativity, Mental Clarity and Vigour
- Deep Theta Healing Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
Module Three: Overcoming Procrastination (Value $37)
- Connect with a Deeper Sense of Self Purpose
- Make Good Decisions, Boost Your Determination and Take Efficient Action
- Beat Lethargy and Enjoy a Sense of Achievement
- Overcoming Procrastination Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
- Overcoming Procrastination Conscious Mind Primer (1x CMP Sessions)
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that. Just let me know and I will refund your purchase… no questions asked.
100% Risk FREE – Love It Or Your Money Back
Thats the Full terms and conditions of our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
The Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection
Let Go & Clear Space for the Life You Really Want
3 Powerful Hypnosis Titles: 17 Transformational Instant Downloads (Value $128) Just $37
And theres even more... (value $17)
FREE BONUS: The Limiting Belief Destroyer
Clear the Way & Create a Solid Foundation to Build Your Bigger Brighter Future
Limiting Beliefs aren't real, They're just stories we tell ourselves! What are the limiting stories holding you back?
We all have them...
You know the kind of thing, they normally start with: "I can't because..." Then there is a 'very good' sounding reason why you can't do something.
But it's just a story you tell yourself, one you've been listening to for years. And I'll let you in to a secret... It's also a hypnotic suggestion!
Yep, you've been hypnotising yourself into believing that you can't because of some story... and the CRAZIEST part is, it might even be someone else's story that they told you!
Well meaning parents and teachers do this to their kids ALL the time, then they grow up believing and repeating the same story.

- Destroy the Blocks Clouding Your Opportunity to Recognise & Access Your FULL Potential
- Relax, Release & Let Go of those Limiting Beliefs & Stories Holding You Back
- Move Forward with Your Manifestations to Create More of What You Do Want in Your Life
The Limiting Belief Destroyer is a Gentle Guided Process that allows you to both Relax Deeply & Let Go of Limiting Stories that have been holding you back up until now.
This short 14 minute guided process is designed to be used multiple times a week to allow you to thoroughly cleanse yourself on a deeper level.
And it's my gift to you, enjoy 🙂
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: “I haven’t used Hypnosis before… is it safe?”
Hypnosis is natural and safe. In fact we all drift in and out of trance everyday. Hypnosis and trance states have been used in healing for thousands of years. More recently the power of Hypnosis has been harnessed in personal development. These Dynamic Hypnosis sessions are designed to be effortlessly easy to use.
Q: “How do the Hypnosis Sessions work?”
The hypnosis sessions are expertly crafted blends of hypnosis, binaural beats, NLP and relaxing music to convey the principles deep into your unconscious mind. So that you can truly understand, practice and become the change you want.
Q: “How do I get the most Benefit from This Hypnosis Sessions?”
To gain the fullest benefit from this Hypnosis session I recommend that you listen to it through stereo headphones (headphones not essential), making sure that you are lying or sitting comfortably in a safe environment where you will not be disturbed. Typically I recommend that you listen to each session 3 – 5 times in the first week.
Q: “Are there other Benefits to this Hypnosis Sessions?”
Yes! The unique combination of hypnosis, binaural beats, NLP and relaxing music in these Hypnosis Sessions also gives you the added benefits of immune system boosting, stress releasing, deep relaxation. Plus the BrainWave Entrainment (Theta Binaural Beats) have been show to reduce anxiety and the presence of theta patterns in the brain has been associated with increased receptivity for learning and decreased filtering by the left hemisphere.
Q: “Are there any Side Effects of This Hypnosis Sessions?”
There are no known negative side effects to Hypnosis or the unique combination of hypnosis, binaural beats, NLP and relaxing music. There are, of course, the side effects of all the positive benefits of listening to it. And if for any reason you need to awaken during this process you will do so with a clarity of mind to attend the situation.
Q: “I already listen to Hypnosis recordings... Why do I need another?
Great, reading personal development books, watching videos, listening to CD’s is the journey I’m still on too. I believe you never stop learning right? But trust me, I am confident that with the addition of this Hypnosis you will actually find that you’re getting better results with any other personal development programs too. It’s designed to be holistic.
THREE Hypnotic Modules for Clearing Space
The Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection
Releasing & Letting Go - Deep Theta Healing - Overcoming Procrastination
Module ONE: Releasing & Letting Go (Value $37)
- Gain Emotional Freedom from Anxiety, Worry and Doubt
- Create Deeper Connections with Family and Friends
- Improve Your Psychological Health, Happiness and Mental Alertness
- Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
- Releasing & Letting Go Conscious Mind Primers (3x CMP Sessions)
Module Two: Deep Theta Healing (Value $37)
- Experience Pure Relaxation and Relief from Stress
- Be Rejuvenated with an Enhanced Purpose and Passionate Drive for Life
- Elevate Your Levels of Creativity, Mental Clarity and Vigour
- Deep Theta Healing Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
Module Three: Overcoming Procrastination (Value $37)
- Connect with a Deeper Sense of Self Purpose
- Make Good Decisions, Boost Your Determination and Take Efficient Action
- Beat Lethargy and Enjoy a Sense of Achievement
- Overcoming Procrastination Hypnosis (in FOUR Versions)
- Overcoming Procrastination Conscious Mind Primer (1x CMP Sessions)
Bonus: The Limiting Belief Destroyer (Value $17)
- Destroy the Limiting Blocks Stories Holding You Back
- Access & Activate Your Full Potential
- Create more of What You Do Want in Life
- Limiting Belief Destroyer (Guided Visualisation)
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that. Just let me know and I will refund your purchase… no questions asked.
100% Risk FREE – Love It Or Your Money Back
Thats the Full terms and conditions of our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
The Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection
Let Go & Clear Space for the Life You Really Want
3 Powerful Hypnosis Titles: 17 Transformational Instant Downloads (Value $128) Just $37
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