Make the Most of Where You Are Right Now. Lie Back, Relax and Wake-Up Ready to Maximise the Now and Get the Most From Your life

Why wait? Whatever your dream life is, if you start Maximising the Now and START working towards it right away, you will obtain it sooner.

When you become focused in the ‘now’ you are more open to the opportunities that present themselves to you... You will enjoy more from your life right now.

When you are enjoying where you are right now, you will see more opportunities. And when you take them you move quicker towards your dream life and start to more than fill your current place…

“You can advance only by more than filling your present place” Wallace Wattles

It’s time to maximise the now, live in the present so that you can excel toward the life of your dreams whilst enjoying the present to its full potential.

With The Present: Maximising the Now You:

  • Make the Most of Where You are Right Now and Enjoy Life to the Full. Have Fun and Be Happy right now… Love the Life You are Living
  • Maximise the Now and Make Opportunities Happen for You, Be in Control of Your Own Destiny by Making Conscious Decisions in the Now
  • When You Can More than Fill Your Current Plane, Then You Will Be Ready to Move Toward Your Dream Life

Maximise the Now for a More Joyous Life

The Present: Maximising the Now
Dynamic Hypnosis Session Just $27 $9.97

Get Started NowClick Here To Order Today
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*Instant MP3 Download

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100% 60 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee…

Taking all the risk off you. Because its on me!

Give The Present: Maximising the Now 60 days, and if you are not happy and don’t find yourself making positive changes, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full…no questions asked.

I think you will be surprised how comprehensive and yet simple to implement this series is and that you will be 100% satisfied. Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that.

Customer Success - Personal Transformation Testimonials 

Your recordings actually help to get a person out of a sea of confusion and even lies that are constantly being spun in today’s society

Lucas R

Many thanks, for all you do. And, for your effort to uplift humanity through the wonderful tools that you’ve created

Ivory M

I see things in my life manifesting in unexplainable ways. Something must be working on a subliminal level

Preston M

Amazing stuff! John, I think what you have created borders on magic


Dynamic Hypnosis Session

With This Dynamic Hypnosis Session You Can Control Your Mind and Transform Your Life

Hypnosis is the fastest and most effective way to make lasting change. cutting straight through to the subconscious and effortlessly reprogram your mind for instant changes.

The proven results of hypnosis speak for themselves and are used by: Successful Entrepreneurs, Hollywood Celebrities, Professional Athletes, Musicians, and the list just goes on and on. It's time for you to have the attitude of success too.

Our brains are brimming with electrical activity every single minute of our lives. Brainwaves differ from each other by their frequency. From the busy Beta waves of normal waking conditions, to the deep Delta waves of sleep.

Theta Brainwaves sit on the cusps between relaxed Alpha and the deep sleep Delta. It is here that you are in the perfect state for accelerated learning.

This hypnosis recording also comes with a bonus extra recording with Theta Binaural Beats to easily assist you into the right relaxed state of mind for change.

It’s Time to Harness the Power of Your BRAINWAVES...

These powerful hypnosis recordings go deep into your unconscious to maximise your hidden potential. Download 'The Present: Maximising the Now' and start more than filling your present place.

  • Make the Most of Where You are Right Now and Enjoy Life to the Full. Have Fun and Be Happy right now… Love the Life You are Living
  • Maximise the Now and Make Opportunities Happen for You, Be in Control of Your Own Destiny by Making Conscious Decisions in the Now
  • When You Can More than Fill Your Current Plane, Then You Will Be Ready to Move Toward Your Dream Life

Maximise the Now and Enjoy Life More
Empower Your Soul

YES! John, I am ready to get started Now with The Present, Maxmizing the Now for JUST $27 Only $9.97 and make way for a brighter future

Get Started NowClick Here To Order Today
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