Remove negative habits or beliefs. Reprogram your unconscious mind with more empowered habits and the beliefs that you really want

No amount of action taking will help you if behind it all you are unconsciously sabotaging all your own best efforts. If you are working against yourself and your bad habits are stopping you from getting the life you deserve.

If you have bad habits or limiting beliefs that hold you back you need to take control of your own behaviour or you will lose ground

Empowered Habits: take control of your own internal programming and reprogram it for success.

  • Reprogramming

    Reprogram your unconscious mind with the more empowered habits and the beliefs that you really want.

  • Empowered

    Go deep within and reprogram yourself for success by erasing bad habits and limiting beliefs.

  • Habits

    Upgrade your mind by rewriting your old habits for more empowering ones with the Swish Pattern and Trypnosis.

  • Full Mind Restore Trypnosis recording (40 mins)
  • Peak Power Nap: Progressive Relaxation Mp3
  • Conscious Mind Primer Mp3

4-Day SALE Only $27 JUST $7


WAIT! Get the FULL Peak Power Hypnosis Program & Access All 5 Modules. $150.00 Off Today


Evaporate stress, drift off into deep restorative sleep, lose weight, get fit and have more energy to get things done.


Pursue any goal you want and banish fears like public speaking or approaching new people.


Ignite your creative spark, become inspired and more intuitive. Finally write that bestselling book, or think up that world changing idea.


Take efficient action, have a razor like focus and become ultra productive from the moment you wake up.


Eliminate habits like nail biting, or phobias like fear of flying, so you become more attractive in business, work and relationships.

#1 MIND RESTORE: Fall into deep sleep in minutes and wake up refreshed and energised with Mind Restore

You know how horrible you feel, and how drained you feel the next day if you did not sleep well. Sleepless nights have become a pandemic in our busy fast paced world. This is the reason why stress related illnesses like diabetes, obesity and heart disease have skyrocketed in recent years.

This is the same reason why top peak performance experts, pro athletes, and why the super rich all state that getting good rest and sleep are essential for success and well-being.

#2 SUPREME CONFIDENCE: Rewire your unconscious mind for supreme self confidence in any situation

We have spent time with some of the world's best athletes, coaches, entrepreneurs, artists and they will all tell you that their extreme levels of self confidence comes from dedication and practice.

In this session we give you the mind tools and strategies to make implementing your creative ideas and becoming highly competent an effortless and enjoyable process.

#3 INFINITE CREATIVITY: See the creative solutions and opportunities to create more abundance in your life

Your brain operates at different brain wave states, and when you are stressed you are predominantly in a beta state of high brainwave activity. Trypnosis harmonizes your brainwaves for whole brain thinking, taking you into deep Alpha states that are associated with creativity and inspiration.

Combined with John's hypnosis to open your eyes to opportunity and solutions that were previously hidden from you.

#4 EFFICIENT ACTION: Supercharge your motivation and take inspired, efficient action to accomplish your goals

Life is always going to throw problems at you to deal with. Sadly this is something that will never change, but hey, this applies to everyone, including the world's best peak performers.

What sets the successful apart from the rest is their ability to keep going no matter what life throws at them.

Get the tools you need to Take Efficient Action, to start making everyday a successful day

#5 EMPOWERED HABITS: Banish bad habits, break the chains holding you back & program your mind for success

No amount of action taking will help you if behind it all you are unconsciously sabotaging all your own best efforts. If you are working against yourself and your bad habits are stopping you from getting the life you deserve.

If you have bad habits or limiting beliefs that hold you back you need to take control of your own behaviour or you will lose ground


Get Started Now $197 Only $47

Get Started Now


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No questions asked.

If you’re not happy then neither are we.

Plus: You Get All These Supporting Sessions Completely FREE!

3 Peak Power Naps

As an extra bonus we have given you three special Trypnosis sessions called Peak Power Naps. These are designed to give you an 11 minute mental recharge during the day whenever you  feel your energy is dipping.

  • Systematic Relaxation Peak Power Nap: Take 11 Minutes of Pure Bliss During Your Day
  • Abundance Mentality Peak Power Nap: 11 Minutes to focus your mind on Abundance
  • Clarity & Focus Peak Power Nap: An 11 Minute Power Nap to Focus Your Mind

Power naps are used by the worlds most successful people. The idea of “power nap” has been around for centuries in Spain and Latin America. In Spain the “power nap” is known as “Siesta del Hidalgo” (“The Gentleman’s nap”). Famous people who swear by Peak Power Naps include, Winston Churchill, Salvador Dali, Aldous Huxley, Thomas Edison, Da Vinci, Einstein and many more.

Habit Change NLP Video

This NLP Technique will show you how habits are formed and hard-wired into your unconscious mind. In it you will learn how to upgrade your mind by rewriting your old habits for more empowering ones.

  • Learn and use the famous ‘Swish Pattern’ that will help you remove any bad habits, such as nail biting, smoking, binge eating etc
  • Upgrade your mind by rewriting your old habits for more empowering ones.
  • Powerful case-study, including the actual video that abolished Niraj’s nail-biting habit during filming!

Use the ‘Swish Pattern’ and follow with the Trypnosis “Empowered Habit Generator’. An example of limiting or unattractive habits you can change instantly are  – nail biting, smoking, excessive drinking, shyness in social situations, binge eating or drinking etc

  • The Conscious Mind Primer is a designed to speak directly to your conscious mind and to prepare it for the transformation ahead.

  • Experience Deep Restorative Sleep, Nourish Your True Potential, Wake Up to Peak Performance

  • Pursue any goal you want and banish fears like public speaking or approaching new people.

  • Ignite your creative spark, become inspired and more intuitive. Finally write that bestselling book, or think up that world changing idea.

  • Take efficient action, have a razor like focus and become ultra productive from the moment you wake up.

  • Eliminate habits like nail biting, or phobias like fear of flying, so you become more attractive in business, work and relationships.

The Complete Peak Power Hypnosis Series

Get Started Now $197 Only $47

Get Started Now

Find Out What People Are Saying About Peak Power Hypnosis

  • That trypnosis session (Efficient Action) is a really DYNAMITE! It works so well for me… After a long time I find myself full of energy, very focused( it’s my weak point) and not getting tired easily
  • Last night I went to sleep while listening to the Mind Restore trypnosis. I have been suffering from insomnia lately, and it helped me fall asleep. Τhis morning I woke up and I have not eaten even a piece of junk food!
  • I've got to say I have a vast library of hypnosis and binaural beats . I’m a hypnosis and binaural beat junky “LOL” ,but this is at the very top of my new downloads . If you guys have anymore products coming out in the future please sign me up . For those people looking for comments before they buy , take my word for it , it is worth every penny and then some.
  • This (Infinite Creativity) is great for my career. I am a ballerina and coach with sports medicine certs. I used to just think of myself as the technician, afraid to choreograph. Now I can really step into my vision of artistic director. Thanks, Namaste!
  • These sessions like move planets! Thank You a million bizillion! I am very sensitive to music. I like your stuff. It’s like space travel. I always feel subtly different afterwards. Words don’t explain. It’s a feeling, like more open.
  • Thanks so much for everything I get to learn from you. When I listen to the trypnosis session it feels like I’m flying, it is simply wonderful and I almost can not do without it … like a drug it continues in my dreams, thanks once again.

Everything You're Getting

  • Mind Restore
  • Supreme Self Confidence
  • Infinite Creativity
  • Efficient Action
  • Empowered Habits
  • The Conscious Mind Primer - An insightful audio giving you the key to 3 powerful techniques
  • The Swish Pattern Video - A Powerful Psychological Techniques for Habit Change
  • Three Peak Power Naps: Progressive Relaxation - Clarity & Focus - Abundance Mentality

Get the FULL Peak Power Hypnosis Program & Access All 5 Modules. $150.00 Off Today

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