Secure Acceptance Form: Rapport Master
Including 70 Videos & Easy Ways to Learn
- Master the Art of Rapport & Get the Results You Desire
- Dramatically Improve Your Relationships… Improve EVERY Area of Your Life!
- Learning to Ask the Right Questions in the Right Way for the Right Results
- Harnessing the Power of Speech: How to Match and Lead Conversations
- The Secrets of Body Language and How to Use it Properly
Order Now to Supercharge Every Part of Your Life
YES! John, I'm Ready To Become More: Charming, Confident, Persuasive, Creative, Happy, Abundant In Every Area Of Life. For JUST $201.00 Only $37
- Banish Fear, Worry, Anxiety and Doubt
- Dissolve Limiting Beliefs and Negative Self Talk
- Create New Beliefs About What You Can Do and What You Deserve
- Create New Habits of Success that Propel You Towards Your Dream Life
- Create Huge States of Confidence and Motivation for Anything You Want
- Create a Powerful Action Plan that will Keep You On Track to Achieve Everything You Desire

Get rid of the thoughts that have been cluttering your mind and holding you back.
If you’re a victim of negative emotions, disturbing feelings, a haunting past, worry, anxiety, limiting beliefs and more… then I have good news for you. Because now you can get rid of all of them and FREE YOUR MIND with this program.
I have seen it first hand, time and time again.
And I know YOU will succeed because I’m taking no chances here. You are getting a complete system for creating the life you want. Powerful NLP conscious mind tools to create the positive changes you want.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is Like the Owners Manual for Your Brain. Take Control and Literally Reprogram Your Own Habits and Behaviours
‘Neuro’ refers to the neurology of the brain and how it can be influenced by language ‘Linguistic’. And the re-patterning of habits, behaviours, limiting beliefs etc is the ‘Programming’ part of the name, Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Break free of the chains holding you back and reprogram your mind for success with NLP sessions tailored to your needs.
Each session focuses on Breakthrough Tools and Simple Step-by-Step Techniques to harness the Powerhouse that is your unconscious or subconscious mind. Giving you the controls to your own behaviours. Putting YOU in the driving seat. No-longer will your brain run you, you will run your brain to get more of that you want.
Just think about those things that you do that you know aren't good for you... they are simply unconscious patterns running, with FREE YOUR MIND you get to reprogram them. Plus some awesome ‘hacks’ for getting even quicker results.
Life Isn’t Just Something That Happens To You…
Maybe you've heard people liken the brain to a computer. The brain being like the hardware and your thoughts being the software. And they talk about reprogramming the software...
Well that sound like hard work right, programming a computer!
The truth is Reprogramming Your Mind is Way Easier than programming a computer. And what's more it only take a few minutes to do!
These techniques are Easy and Fast, and the results last. I wouldn't have spent years and ten's of thousands of dollars of my own money (and continue to do so) if this stuff didn't work. In fact, the Results You Get Are Dramatic and Life Changing.
Using my advanced NLP experience, I have created some simple steps for you to see instant positive changes in your life right away. These NLP sessions are designed to give your mind the structure you need to make the changes you desire.
NLP is the Fastest Way to TAKE CONTROL of Your Internal Programming and Continue to Take Conscious Action Toward Your Ultimate Goals
You get the benefit of years of my knowledge and training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming in a concise and systematic video series, specifically designed for you, so you can change your life.
NLP is the NUMBER ONE 'go-to' tool for therapists wanting to create instant and lasting change. Now it's your turn. With these recordings it's like you're in the same room as me.
Unlike going to a therapist you can use this program again and again… for years to come. For challenges that you haven’t even come up against yet… and for Maximising new and wonderful areas of your life.
You need something that will change your life permanently… Something that’s effective and works. You want a formula that can turn your life around instantly and doesn’t require months of practice. That's why I came up with exactly that, something to change your life permanently for the better.
The Free Your Mind program is an online training course where you can learn all about the NLP techniques to free yourself from ANY negative past experiences and unleash your full potential. Including my in-depth knowledge and experience to practice these techniques and make your dreams come true, in these sessions it's like you're in the room with me.
I'm Going to Let You in on a Little Known Secret...
In the video at the top of this page I’m sat on a Beautiful beach in Goa because I use these tools… but thats another story
If you were to dig a hole in the sand, as any child knows, when the water comes the waves would fill the hole in again with water and more sand.
Making lasting change is the same. If you remove a limiting belief, banish a fear or worry, life comes along and fills the space in again.
And unless you consciously fill it with positive changes it will be replace with more anxiety, worry and limited beliefs about you and what you can achieve.
The Secret is to Consciously Fill that Hole First
You see you can’t really erase thoughts, not permanently anyway. What you can do is cover them with more positive thoughts and behaviours that will support you.
For example, when you move house, or change your phone number, you learn that new address or new phone number. The old one is still there but it gets replaced by the new one and thats the one you default to. Until you can’t even consciously remember the old one…
The Free Your Mind Program is unique in that you will learn how to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs and Replace them with Powerful New Ones about what you can do, what you’re worth and the successes you can achieve.
First you create a void (your old limiting belief,worry or doubt) and then you replace them with wonderful new thoughts and behaviours, you unlock your full potential.
With FREE YOUR MIND V2.0 You Get:
- The Complete Lowdown on the Structure of Your Thinking
- Three Powerful Techniques to Transform Your Thinking
- The Most Effective NLP Technique to Create Behaviour Changes and Transform Your Life into Something You Always Dreamt of Living
- Powerful NLP Techniques to Rewire Your Mind and Terminate Negative Habits
- A Proven Method to Propel Your Self-Esteem and Create a Strong Believe in Yourself that will Keep You Motivated and Determined to Achieve Your Life Goals
- The Future Architect Method to Design Your Future the Way You Want it to Be
Image having the skills and techniques to eliminate negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours that no longer serve you. The relief to be free of limiting self doubt, to let go of the stress and worry. To refocus your thoughts and energy in a positive direction, creating a more relaxed and fulfilling life for yourself and your loved ones.
This program will give you a deeper understanding of how your mind works, taking you on guided visualisation techniques that you can listen to again and again.
Unlock your full potential, unleash hidden talents and design an effective plan to shape your future and achieve your goals.
With Free Your Mind You Will Be Able To:
- Understand the Basics of How Your Mind and Thoughts Work
- Control the Way You Think and Perceive Your Actions
- Eliminate Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions ‒ Permanently!
- Get Over Your Past and Start Thinking About the Future
- Form New Behavioral Changes that Help You Transform Yourself
- Form New Positive Habits that Reward You with Nothing Else than Success
- Design an Effective Plan that will Shape Your Future Just Like You Wanted
- Tap into Your Inner-Self, Unlock Your True Potential and Unleash Hidden Skills
Life isn’t something that happens to you… it’s something you do. Last year I took an exclusive group of less than 25 people through a very special process on this exclusive online course. Their breakthroughs were huge. Still now, months later I get regular updates from delegates telling me how much things have continued to change in their lives for the better.
The original price for the program was $395! That is just a fraction of what most people pay just to attend some online training sessions like this. Live Seminars are 10x more expensive than that and they're sharing the same knowledge I will be sharing with you in this program.
Today I'm offering you this training program at a fraction of its original price... As part of the Free Your Mind V2.0 Launch you can Get the Full Program for a Massive $345.00 Discount!!
And for your peace of mind, I have also included 60-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
- Understand the Basics of How Your Mind Works
- Eliminate Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions ‒ Permanently!
- Get Over Your Past and Focus on the Future
- Transform Yourself with New Positive Habits for Success
- Design an Effective Plan that will Shape Your Future Just Like You Wanted
- Tap into Your Inner-Self, Unlock Your True Potential and Unleash Hidden Skills

Get FULL Unrestricted Access to Rapport Master & Free Your Mind for Just $79 Today
SAVE $512.00 Off the Full Price TODAY! When the countdown runs out, this offer will be Gone!
Module One: Clearing the Way
Module One is about clearing the way. Understanding the structure of your thinking and practicing three powerful techniques that give you the controls to take charge of your thoughts and behaviours. Including Two NLP Case Study Sessions. Imagine seeing yourself spending your precious moments of time more wisely.

Module Two: Powering it Forward
Module Two is about powering it forward. Harnessing your positive feelings and using them to start creating generative change, helping you create the life of your dreams. Including a Case Study using a powerful NLP technique for change. Moving away from how you were and towards where you want to be.

Module Three: Empowering Beliefs
Your beliefs about yourself and your abilities can either help you succeed or hold you back. This module is all about letting go of negative beliefs, harnessing the power of your absolute beliefs and using them to create more Empowering Beliefs. And straight from the Original Program, this Module also includes one of the original modules teaching you the NLP Belief Change Pattern.

Module Four: Future Fantastics
The final module in our Free Your Mind Video Series... And we're ending it with new beginnings... This module is about mapping your goals out into the future, attaching and harnessing the power of your positive emotions and opening your eyes to opportunities. This module also includes one of the most powerful NLP processes for achieving your goals.

What Are People Saying About John's Work...
"I was struck by the level of expertise and in-depth knowledge of NLP that John has as he effortlessly carries out interventions and is a master of the use of language and the NLP toolbox to effect change." Rose Evans
“What I can tell you is that your sessions changed something inside me. I don't behave in the same way anymore. I am much more confident, and see problems in a completely different way. The simple exercises you suggested we able to sweep away old feeling I had." Teresa
“Your work is having such a positive influence on me that yesterday I went to town and had absolutely no "feeling" of anxiety. There are no words to describe my big thanks for your work which is helping me to overcome an awful state that I have endured for too many years unnecessarily.” Kaaren
“I now look forward to other opportunities where I can speak in public. Thank you for working with me and helping me make this difference in my life.” Marty Drury
BONUS #1: Time for a Change
Last year I started the Inner Circle. Live weekly webinars with an exclusive group of people. A person is the sum of their past, but not limited by it.
Clean Up issues from the past and boost the resources you have that support you, ‘building success on success. Map your goals out into the future, attaching and harnessing the power of your positive emotions and opening your eyes to opportunities to make them happen.

Bonus #2: The 5 Top Essential Success Habits
All highly successful people employ specific rituals that allow them to get into “their zone”, to get into the flow, to stay super focused and to succeed… These habits or Daily Success Rituals (DSRs) help increase their creativity, productivity, motivation, patience, energy, focus… whatever it is they are trying to achieve…
In this book I share the top 5 most common Daily Success Rituals of the highly successful from my own research.

Bonus #3: The New Habit Generator
Watch me work with someone on four separate occasions as we literally install the New Habits of Success she desired!
We all have habits, some of them bad habits, but its the habits of success that make us successful, During this series of case studies you will see the techniques from Free Your Mind in action, creating Brand New Habits of Success. Now it’s Your Turn!

Give FREE YOUR MIND 60 days, and if you're not happy and don’t find yourself making huge positive changes, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full… no questions asked. Your satisfaction is my #1 priority so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. Love it or your money back.
But I promise you this: you won’t ask for a refund. Because once you have watched and applied all the NLP techniques that I teach in this program; you will know that this program is worth thousands of dollars. And you paid only a fraction of its worth.
So, what are you waiting for? The price will spike very soon! Hurry, before you lose your turning-point chance to access these video training series in such a dirt-cheap price.
Free Your Mind of Negative Emotions, Anxieties and Doubts. Unleash Your Full Potential
Take Advantage of this Special 87% Discount PLUS All the Bonuses

- Understand the Basics of How Your Mind Works
- Eliminate Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions ‒ Permanently!
- Get Over Your Past and Focus on the Future
- Transform Yourself with New Positive Habits for Success
- Design an Effective Plan that will Shape Your Future Just Like You Wanted
- Tap into Your Inner-Self, Unlock Your True Potential and Unleash Hidden Skills
- Master the Art of Rapport & Get the Results You Desire.
- Dramatically Improve Your Relationships… And Improve EVERY Area of Your Life!
- Learning to Ask the Right Questions in the Right Way for the Right Results
- Harnessing the Power of Speech: How to Match and Lead Conversations
- The Secrets of Body Language and How to Use it Properly
Free Your Mind of Negative Emotions, Anxieties and Doubts. Unleash Your Full Potential
Order Now to Free Your Mind and Supercharge Every Part of Your Life
Your FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: “I haven’t used NLP before… what is it?”
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a way of taking control of your own internal programming. ‘Neuro’ refers to the neurology of the brain and how it can be influenced by language ‘Linguistic’. Programming and re programming behaviours, changing limiting beliefs an habits, etc.
Q: What Can NLP Do For Me?
Learn how to eliminate limiting beliefs and silence negative self-talk. Eradicate: fears, anxieties and worries. Be in control of your emotions. Start believing in yourself, become more confident, motivated and focused and plan a future you want to attain.
Q: “How do I get the most Benefit from These NLP Sessions?”
As you use the powerful NLP techniques in these sessions you will instantly and continually make positive shifts. Although this program was originally delivered weekly, the best way to use it is at the pace that's right for you.
Putting at least one day between each Module. Multiple watching is recommended. Since this training is carefully sequenced you will gain most by viewing the webinars in order.
Q: “Are there any risks or side effects?”
No. At worst nothing will happen. But that's NOT going to be the case because while you're going through this system if something isn't working for you no problem, I've got you covered. There are many ways to make change and I've included an 'everything including the kitchen sink' approach so you are guaranteed to get results. And the only side effect is your life getting better 🙂
Free Your Mind of Negative Emotions, Anxieties and Doubts. Unleash Your Full Potential
Take Advantage of this Special 87% Discount PLUS All the Bonuses