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"Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become"
Dr Maxwell Maltz (author of Psycho-Cybernetics)

How you view yourself dictates the person you become. It functions as a guide map for your unconscious mind that ultimately controls your thoughts and actions.

Think about it this way… If you reprogrammed your mind so you imagined yourself walking tall, looking cool and confident, you would start to walk tall, look cool and more self-assured. What you feel on the inside leaks out and determines how you appear to everyone else around you.

If you have a negative self-image, not only will you feel rubbish about yourself, it will demonstrate itself in your body language and demeanor. People will notice it and get a ‘poor feeling’ about you.

What Guide Map Are You Giving Your Unconscious Mind?

With module 2, you gain a positive self-image and strong belief in yourself. You start to feel great about the person you are and others will get a 'good feeling' about you. Once you have created a solid self-image, you have the ability to do and become more. It is the 'glue' that holds your personal transformation together...

Once you have completed Self-Image Supercharger, you’ll gain a clear image of the kind of person you want to be. These targeted NLP and hypnosis sessions will change your self-image so you can transform into that person you want to be.

With a Positive Self Image You Will:

  • Break free of your self-imposed chains of what is ‘possible’ for you to achieve. You can achieve and be whatever you desire
  • Project a positive, confidant, attractive person out into the world and then step into that very best version of yourself
  • Recognise your true value, appreciate your good qualities, respect yourself more and others will respect you more too

"It is never too late to be what you might have been"  George Eliot

Are You Ready to Make Positive Changes in Your Life?

  • Create a positive self-image. Change the guide map for your unconscious mind to become the person you want to be

  • Think of yourself as confident, attractive, knowledgeable and charismatic. Start to feel great about yourself today

  • See yourself in a positive light. Believe in yourself and others believe in you too

Get Started Today With Self Image Supercharger

Get Started Now for Just $61 $17

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Your Self Image Supercharger Package Includes:

  • Self Image Supercharger Conscious Mind NLP Session – learn to control your thoughts and feelings about yourself and create a powerful guidemap for your unconcious mind
  • Self Image Supercharger Hypnosis Session - in two versions with and without binaural beats - Relax deeply and create a positive self image
  • Self Image Supercharger HypnosisSleep Session - the ultimate in easy learning, all you have to do is press play, lay back and get a great night’s sleep

All sessions are MP3 downloads so you can get started immediately, no fuss and no waiting for the postman, just get started right away!

Get Started Now for Just $61 $17

** Flash 3 Day Sale **

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Life Long Happiness: Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions

With These Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions You Can Lie Back, Relax and Wake Up Calm and Collected with More Enthusiasm

Cut straight through the self doubt and critical internal dialog and effortlessly reprograms your unconscious mind for instant changes with Hypnosis. Now is the time to update your own Personal Software.

“I still remember the first hypnosis cassette (yes remember cassettes?!) I got. It was a motivation session and I listened to it 5 times in the first week alone. And I will always remeber the dramatic impact it had on my life”

Now I have over 20 years experience practicing, recording and teaching hypnosis. And in these sessions I combine my unique style of advanced hypnosis with Theta Binaural Beat technology to boost your brains ability to learn and ensure you get the maximum from each session to see instant results.

The proven results of hypnosis speak for themselves and are used by: Successful Entrepreneurs, Hollywood Celebrities, Professional Athletes, Musicians, and the list just goes on and on.

It’s Time to Harness the Power of Your BRAINWAVES

Our brains are brimming with electrical activity every single minute of our lives. Our Brainwaves differ from each other by their frequency. From the busy Beta waves of normal waking conditions, to the deep Delta brainwaves of sleep.

Theta Brainwaves sit on the cusps between relaxed Alpha and the deep sleep of Delta. It is here that you are in the perfect state for accelerated learning. And that is why Theta Binaural Beats are used in these recordings.

This powerful hypnosis recordings go deep into your unconscious mind to maximise your hidden potential.

Life Long Happiness: Conscious Mind NLP Session

Powerful Proven NLP Techniques to Increase, Improve and Ramp Up Your Happiness at Will

Your biggest enemy is you! If you don’t take control of your own thoughts and behaviour you will lose ground…

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is like an owners manual for your brain. You can take control, and literally reprogram, your own habits and behaviours...

I have seen it first hand, time and time again. And I know YOU will succeed because I’m taking no chances here. You will get a complete system. NLP conscious mind tools and Dynamic Hypnosis sessions. Using the two together you don't just get posititive change, you get the focused, positive changes you want.

‘Neuro’ refers to the neurology of the brain and how it can be influenced by language ‘Linguistic’. And the re-patterning of habits, behaviours, limiting beliefs etc is the ‘Programming’ part of the name, Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Break free of the chains holding you back and reprogram your mind for success with NLP sessions tailored to your needs

Each NLP session focuses on breakthrough tools and simple step-by-step techniques to harness the conscious part of your mind. To give you the controls to your own behaviours. Plus some awesome ‘cheats’ for getting even quicker results.

I learned NLP from the best, from Dr Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP). And for the last 10 years I have been a part of the NLP Assisting Team, helping tens of thousands of people to learn NLP.

Using my advanced NLP experience, I have created some simple steps for you to see instant positive changes in your life. Aswell as create instant change, these NLP sessions are designed to give your mind the structure of the change you desire. And this structure is then given to your unconcious mind using the power of the dynamic hypnosis session for deep and lasting transformations.  They are a perfect compliment to each other to help you overcome the obstacles in the way of your success.

NLP is the fastest way to TAKE CONTROL of your internal programming and continue to take conscious action toward your ultimate goals.

Life Long Happiness: HypnosisSleepTM large Sessions

Wake Up Happy Each Day with a Big Smile on Your Face and Start Your Day the Right Way

Happiness is a state of mind. You can take control of your emotions and choose to become happier today. And with the HypnosisSleep sessions you can do all that while you sleep!

This is the ultimate in easy learning, all you have to do is press play, lay back and get a great nights sleep

Whilst you drift into a deep sleep with the relaxing music you put the powerful resources of your unconcious mind to work. Reprogramming and supercharging your unconscious mind for success.

These HypnosisSleep sessions are designed to be listened to after the main Hypnosis sessions and will give you long term reinforcement effortlessly.

Learning during your sleeping hours is a highly effective way to realise your full potential effortlessly.

Using Dynamic Hypnosis and music by Christopher Lloyd Clark BSc, MscD. Music that encourages deep relaxation, spiritual awakening, healing and altered sates of consciousness.

The HypnosisSleep sessions are specifically designed to harness the power of your unconscious whilst your body is at rest so you can absorb new information quickly and directly into your unconscious mind.

Plus, because the HypnosisSleep sessions take you into a deeper, more relaxed sleep state at the start of your night you will find you wake up from a HypnosisSleep night more refreshed, energised and ready to start your day.

This HypnosisSleep session is focused solely in helping you take control on your emotions and releasing your inner optimism.

Customer Success - Personal Transformation Testimonials 

Your Hypnosis is 'Mind Bending...

"You are an excellent example of the craft! I've got to say your hypnosis is 'mind bending'. Even after listening to many other hypnotists and recordings over the years and being an Ericksonian hypnotherapist!"


Effortlessly Carries Out Interventions…

"I was struck by the level of expertise and in-depth knowledge of NLP that John has as he effortlessly carries out interventions and is a master of the use of language and the NLP toolbox to effect change."

Rose E.

Out of a Sea of Confusion...

“Your recordings actually help to get a person out of a sea of confusion and even lies that are constantly being spun in today’s society”

Lucas R.

I came out in such a peaceful state...

"Well done John. I have listened to plenty of meditation/hypnosis sessions in the past over decades and I cannot remember when I came out in such a peaceful state as when I have listened to your session one"

John P.

To read more comments about John's transnational work check out the full testimonials page

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100% 60 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee…

Taking all the risk off you. Because its on me!

Give this Self Image Supercharger Package 60 days, and if you are not happy and don’t find yourself making positive changes, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full…no questions asked.

I think you will be surprised how comprehensive and yet simple to implement this is and that you will be 100% satisfied. Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that.

Believe and You Will Achieve

Your Self Image is Within Your Control. Be Awesome.

Self Image Supercharger

Your self image, strongly held, essentially determines who you become

Including: Self Image Supercharger Hypnosis Session, Conscious Mind Session, Plus the Groundbreaking HypnosisSleep Session

  • Break free of your self-imposed chains of what is ‘possible’ for you to achieve. You can achieve and be whatever you desire
  • Think yourself confident, attractive, knowledgeable and charismatic. And step into that ‘new you’ and feel great about yourself right now
  • Recognise your true value, appreciate your good qualities and respect yourself more. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you too

Your Self Image Supercharger Package Includes:

  • Self Image Supercharger Conscious Mind NLP Session – learn to control your thoughts and feelings about yourself and create a powerful guidemap for your unconcious mind
  • Self Image Supercharger Hypnosis Session - in two versions with and without binaural beats - Relax deeply and create a positive self image
  • Self Image Supercharger HypnosisSleep Session - the ultimate in easy learning, all you have to do is press play, lay back and get a great night’s sleep

This is an instant download series. No waiting on the postman, better for the environment and you get instant access even at 3am!

Everything is neatly housed in a members site, meaning you will ALWAYS have access to your product even if you lose your downloads.

Order Now and Create a Powerful Self Image for Tomorrow

YES! John, I am ready to get started Now with Self Image Supercharger for JUST $61 $17. I am ready to step into a new positive and empowering Self Image.

Get Started NowClick Here To Order Today
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