Your Spirit of Being Retreat... Extra

Step 2: Gratitude

The benefits of starting your day with the feelings of Abundance & Gratitude are scientifically PROVEN (as if we need scientific proof that gratitude is good for us!)

Gratitude: a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive

Gratitude of the Taken for Granted

When something is new, it’s easy to be grateful for it. When it becomes routine it’s easy to forget about it…

“The moment you permit your mind to dwell with dissatisfaction upon things as they are, you begin to lose ground”  Wallace Wattles

Gratitude of the Taken for Granted

Making Good Decisions

Making good decisions comes from good thinking. Good thinking has to do with good brain chemistry and good brain chemistry comes from your thoughts and your physiology. 

In this short video I explain the importance of 'State' and making good decisions...

"When people feel bad they make bad decisions when they feel good they make much better decisions" Dr Richard Bandler

Start your day off knowing you are loved and focusing on all the good things in life… and imagine how much easier and happier the day will begin and continue

Gratitude: a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive

This short morning gratitude booster is designed to help you to flood your body with feelings of gratitude and insights that enliven you and set you up for an AWESOME day.

Morning Gratitude Booster

Click Here to Download - MP3
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