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You know how horrible you feel, and how drained you feel the next day if you did not sleep well. Sleepless nights have become a pandemic in our busy fast paced world.

This is the reason why stress related illnesses like diabetes, obesity and heart disease have skyrocketed in recent years.

It's the same reason why top peak performance experts, pro athletes, and why the super rich... all say that getting good nights rest and sleep are essential for success and well-being.

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Sleep and rest is the time where your unconscious mind starts to re-organise its files, allowing your body to recuperate so that it can work at its peak performance.

Your unconscious mind is responsible for important functions such as your heart rate, your breathing and even your immune system, keeping you healthy and alive. It is literally the hard-disk of a super bio-computer.

And your unconscious mind needs a restart or defrag to clear the clutter, especially when you have been using it a lot and stressing it out.

Introducing the Most Powerful Solution for Deep Sleep & Peak Mental Performance of its kind.

Mind Restore: Fall into a deep sleep in minutes and have your mind hard-wired for automatic life success from the moment you wake up

  • Fall into a Deep Restful Sleep

    Experience deep tranquil relaxation. Drift off into the deepest sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world.

  • Eliminate Stress & Let Go of Worries

    Form an unshakable resistance to stress. Create healthy life habits that will supercharge your immune system from the moment you wake up

  • Wake Up To Peak Performance

    Get into the ‘zone’. Skyrocket your self-confidence, and program yourself for autopilot success using Peak Power Hypnosis

Mind Restore Trypnosis

Combining the Power of Hypnosis and Trypnaural Audio Technology

Get Started Now

How Your Mind Works: Your mind has been shown scientifically to operate at different brainwaves or trance states.

The Alpha brainwave is the most natural human brain state but there are more...

Every brainwave causes people to act differently, for example the Gamma brainwave inspires insight, peak focus and expanded conscience

Although Alpha brainwave is the most relaxed and creative state it can still leave your irrational unconscious mind vulnerable to the power of suggestion.

This is why assessing different brainwaves is vital.

Introducing Trypnosis - For Deep Sleep & Peak Mental Performance

Trypnosis is a pyramid structured audio technology utilising 3 of the very best techniques for Mind Transformation and Hypnosis that you will find.

Trypnosis puts all three into one single solution for helping you reach peak performance states of mind, boosting your well-being.

Giving you the most restful night of sleep you have ever had. Wake up to Peak Performance.

  • Subliminal Acoustic Hypnosis

    Unique method of hypnosis recording by hypnotherapist John Vincent takes you deep and effortlessly reprograms your mind for optimum peak performance.

  • Trypnaural Isochronic Tones

    Taking you from waking states of consciousness (beta) all the way through to deep delta. Perfect for listening to as you drift asleep without the need of headphones. 

  • World Class Meditation Music

    Niraj Naik’s unique blend of therapeutic Trypnaural sounds, helping you glide smoothly into a deep trance for the most blissful experience imaginable.

This is the recording we took to the:
6th Global Congress of Spiritual Scientist in 2013

It was there that we were going to put our new method to the test. During this extraordinary event at the world's largest Meditation Pyramid…

Using special monitors, Electroencephalography (EEG) machines and other brainwave monitoring equipment the scientists recorded significant increases in positive healing energies and increased mental activity associated with Peak Mental Performance after our performance at the congress.

What really blew me away was there were many Advanced Meditators and Spiritual Masters, as you may expect in India, especially at such an esteemed gathering of spiritual scientists...

Many of whom said that the combination of our unique Hypnosis and Trypnaural music took them to levels of consciousness that they had never experienced before.


Thats when we named it Trypnosis. When we returned to the UK we released Mind Restore to our clients and had an incredible response...

More Than Just One Session...

Inside the Peak Power Mind Restore You Will Get:

Conscious Mind Primer: Preparing Your Conscious Mind First

Imagine your unconscious mind is the hard disk of a bio-computer with its own operating system and software that runs your current life.

Your unconscious mind is irrational and deals with habitual behaviours. It cannot distinguish from negative or positive, it just replays programs (habits) loaded into it since you were born.

Your conscious mind deals with rational decision making, it also acts like a filter for all the noise and information that bombards you all day long from your environment.

When used right, your conscious mind is a powerful tool in getting the life you want. When you learn to take control of your conscious mind you can write positive programs into your unconscious mind that form new Empowered Habits.

Step One is: The Conscious Mind Primer. A powerful 22 minute session designed to speak directly to your conscious mind and prepare it for transformations ahead.

The Trypnosis Session That Started It All: Mind Restore

Just by listening to this 40 minute hypnosis session of Mind Restore, you will be able to fall into a deep sleep in minutes. And the specially formulated hypnosis script works its magic while you drift off so that your unconscious mind will be hard-wired for automatic life success from the moment you wake up.

"Last night I went to sleep while listening to the Mind Restore trypnosis. I have been suffering from insomnias lately, and it helped me fall asleep even before the recording actually ended Τhis morning I wake up and I observed myself saying: "Today I will eat only healthy food." I thought it was me saying that but it was almost automatic. Since then I have not eaten even a piece of junk food." Kostas

A good night's sleep is incredibly important for your health, it’s as important as eating healthy and exercising. Sleep has been shown to improve immune function, affecting blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity and help with weight loss (due to hormone balances in your body).

Sleep is important for various aspects of brain function, including concentration, productivity and performance. And a good nights sleep has been scientifically proven to improve your problem-solving skills and enhance your memory.

Top peak performance experts, pro-athletes and the super successful all state that getting good rest and sleep are essential for success and well-being.

  • Fall into a Deep Restful Sleep

    Experience deep tranquil relaxation. Drift off into the deepest sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world.

  • Eliminate Stress & Let Go of Worries

    Form an unshakable resistance to stress. Create healthy life habits that will supercharge your immune system from the moment you wake up

  • Wake Up To Peak Performance

    Get into the ‘zone’. Skyrocket your self-confidence, and program yourself for autopilot success using Peak Power Hypnosis

Mind Restore: 75% Discount Sale

Fall into a Deep Sleep in Minutes & Wake Up to Peak Mental Performance

Get Started Now

Plus You're Also Getting

Bonus Session: Progressive Relaxation Peak Power Nap

Power napping is the secret used by some of the worlds most successful people. The idea of 'power napping' has been around for centuries, it's reputed to have been used by the likes of Salvador Dali, Aldous Huxley, Thomas Edison, Da Vinci, Einstein and many more. Great inventors, artists, thinkers and go getters!

When you add the power of Brainwave Entrainment Technology to guides you into an even deeper Relaxing State, accessing Meditative Theta States rapidly to maximise your PowerNap.

And then add a Focus to your PowerNap, with John Vincent's unique rapid hypnotic sessions and you have 11 minutes of supercharging bliss! Adding a powerful hypnotic boost of relaxation to your day.

Progressive Relaxation PowerNap

  • Reduce your stress, let go of anxiety and feel happier
  • Raise your immune system and boost your health
  • Increase your memory and boost concentration

See What Others Are Saying...

  • mmmm. WOW! Deep was an understatement. Sincerely, these were the deepest vibrations I have ever felt with brainwave entrainment. Thanks once again ... Also I am taking seriously the no day smoking thing, so there goes that.
    Joel E.
  • This works so well you are almost turning me into a morning person! I have definitely lost my fog upon waking and the desire for 'just 10 minutes more'. well done.
    Doug M.
  • Wow. Just listened while on an airplane and even though there was noise around me I was able to fall into deep relaxation/ hypnosis. Great work!
    Reava D.
  • Just tried the hypnosis tract and I got to say I have a vast library of hypnosis and binaural beats . I’m a hypnosis and binaural beat junky “LOL” ,but this is at the very top of my new downloads.
    Rodney S.

Mind Restore: Fall into a deep sleep in minutes and have your mind hard-wired for automatic life success from the moment you wake up


  • Step 1: Conscious Mind Primer Mp3
  • Step 2: Mind Restore Trypnosis (40 mins)
  • Bonus: Peak Power Nap: Progressive Relaxation

75% DISCOUNT SALE Only $27 JUST $7

Get Started Today
  • Fall into a Deep Restful Sleep

    Experience deep tranquil relaxation. Drift off into the deepest sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world.

  • Eliminate Stress & Let Go of Worries

    Form an unshakable resistance to stress. Create healthy life habits that will supercharge your immune system from the moment you wake up

  • Wake Up To Peak Performance

    Get into the ‘zone’. Skyrocket your self-confidence, and program yourself for autopilot success using Peak Power Hypnosis

Now You have the chance to Take Control of Your Life and use Our New hypnosis technology and information that 1000′s of users have transformed their lives with

Together We Have Over 35 Years Combined Industry Experience

Niraj Naik

Trained pharmacist and professional musician who fell in love with brainwave entrainment, meditation music and hypnosis after using these tools to recover from a chronic illness without medication.

His products and services have helped 1000s of others around the world.

He is a pioneer of Trypnaural a unique method of entrainment that many respected therapists consider to be their first choice for use with their clients.

John Vincent

SNLP. MPNLP. Licensed NLP Master Practitioner, Licensed Trainer of NLP, Master Hypnotist

John learned NLP directly from the co-creator of NLP, Dr Richard Bandler, as well as other big names in the world of NLP such as Paul McKenna and Michael Breen.

For 15 years John has been part of the London Society of NLP assisting team, assisting tens of thousands of people to learn NLP at over 30 NLP training events with co-creator of NLP Dr Richard Bandler, John & Kathleen LaValle, Paul Mckenna PhD, super coach Michael Neil


How Do The Hypnosis Sessions Work?

The special 40 minute audio sessions are a combination of an expertly crafted hypnosis script laced over soothing Trypnaural meditation music that is embedded with a deep delta isochronic tones session.

Experience Many Benefits That Last After Just One Session

The expertly crafted hypnosis script is designed to not only help you have the deepest sleep you have ever experienced, but it literally rewires your subconscious mind to boost your immune system and tune your mind for peak mental performance when you wake up the very next day.

How Do I Get The Most Benefit From Peak Power Hypnosis?

To gain the full benefit of the Peak Power Hypnosis products it is recommend that you listen to it through stereo head phones (headphones not essential), making sure that you are lying or sitting comfortably in a safe environment. The best time to use these sessions are at night before you want to go to sleep.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Peak Power Hypnosis?

There are no known side effects to Peak Power Hypnosis and its special Trypnosis system. If for any reason you need to awaken during this process you will do so with a clarity of mind to attend the situation.


Fall Into Deep Sleep In Minutes & Wake Up to Peak Mental Performance, Without Needing Drugs or Expensive Treatments, Using Our Ground Breaking Trypnosis™ Audio Technology - the core of our Unique Transformational System

  • Step 1: Conscious Mind Primer Mp3
  • Step 2: Mind Restore Trypnosis (40 mins)
  • Bonus: Peak Power Nap: Progressive Relaxation
Get Started Now

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