Awesome! Get Ready for Your Confidence Package...

It will be in your inbox within the next few minutes

  • Confidence Conscious Mind NLP Tools – Instant confidence boosting hacks to maximise your hypnosis session
  • Confidence & Charisma Hypnosis - Relax deeply and boost your confidence effortlessly - Plus 2nd version with Theta BWE
  • Confidence HypnosisSleep Session - the ultimate in easy learning! All you do is press play, lay back and get a great night’s sleep while this specially engineered recording gets to work on your unconscious mind

WAIT! Get the Other 5 Modules of Personal Transformation and Unleash Your True Potential in Just 6 Weeks

Combining Hypnosis, NLP & HypnosisSleep Sessions for Deep & Lasting Change

Module Two: Self-Image Supercharger

Are you ready for a massive energy boost in your life?

Including: Instant Motivation Hypnosis Session, Conscious Mind Session, Plus the Groundbreaking HypnosisSleep Session

  • Create a positive self-image, a guide map for your unconscious mind of how you want to be
  • Think yourself confident, attractive, knowledgeable and charismatic. Step into that ‘New You’ and feel great
  • See yourself in a positive light. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you too

Module Three: Instant Motivation

Are you ready for a massive energy boost in your life?

Including: Instant Motivation Hypnosis Session, Conscious Mind Session, Plus the Groundbreaking HypnosisSleep Session

  • Get motivated and excited to take action and get started on the road that will lead you to success.
  • Motivate yourself at will and maintain your momentum to achieve goals effortlessly
  • ‘Anchor’ your motivation to draw upon it at will for instant energisation whenever you need it

Module Four: Creativity Activator

See the Creative Solutions & Opportunities to Create Abundance

Including: Creativity Activator Hypnosis Session, Conscious Mind Session, Plus the Groundbreaking HypnosisSleep Session

  • Harness the power of your creative mind and find the way to make your dreams come true
  • Find the solutions to problems quicker and easier. Become a faster thinking person, someone with answers.
  • Unleash the ‘writers block’ in your mind, let go of whatever is holding you back and let inspiration flow effortlessly from you

Module Five: Powerful Positivity

Get the Power of a Positive Perspective!

Including: Positivity Hypnosis Session, Conscious Mind Session, Plus the Groundbreaking HypnosisSleep Session

  • Become an optimist and focus your attention and efforts on positive results. Start to function productively even in difficult situations
  • Wake up happy and you will be amazed what a great day you will have and how much more energy you will have
  • Enjoy life more, smile more and see the ‘silver lining’. With a positive perspective you are healthier, happier and wealthy

Module Six: Life Long Happiness

No matter where you are in life there is always more room for happiness

Including: Life Long Happiness Hypnosis Session, Conscious Mind Session, Plus the Groundbreaking HypnosisSleep Session

  • Become an optimist and focus your attention and efforts on positive results. Start to function productively even in difficult situations
  • Wake up happy and you will be amazed what a great day you will have and how much more energy you will have
  • Enjoy life more, smile more and see the ‘silver lining’. With a positive perspective you are healthier, happier and wealthy

Create Deep and Lasting Change with Triple the Power. NLP, Hypnosis and HypnosisSleep sessions

Personal Transformation Sold for $297 on it's Launch.
Today You Get The FULL Program for Just $47

Invest in YOU and Start Your Personal Transformational Journey Today

2.0 Launch Discount - Buy All This For Just $295 $47

With 60 Days 100% Money Back Guarantee

CheckoutGet Started Today

Instant Download Even at 3am

Check Out What People Are Saying About John's Transformational Work

Your Hypnosis is 'Mind Bending...

"You are an excellent example of the craft! I've got to say your hypnosis is 'mind bending'. Even after listening to many other hypnotists and recordings over the years and being an Ericksonian hypnotherapist!"


Effortlessly Carries Out Interventions…

"I was struck by the level of expertise and in-depth knowledge of NLP that John has as he effortlessly carries out interventions and is a master of the use of language and the NLP toolbox to effect change."

Rose Evans

“I have suffered from a panic/anxiety disorder for over 18 years. I wouldn't think in a million years I could ever dance again, let alone do a style of dance I have never trained in before. The Tango is a special art and takes massive concentration. Through your work, I was able to visualize each step with such clarity and calmness that when it came to the time, I actually remembered all my steps. I held your teachings firm in my mind throughout the whole routine. It's your work that actually helped me cross the finish line. I'm truly ever so grateful to you because I have made a HUGE shift, and that shift is propelling me forward and moving me away from any fears. And as you know. I'm going to do it again in Athens. YAY!!”

Kaaren D

Out of a Sea of Confusion...

“Your recordings actually help to get a person out of a sea of confusion and even lies that are constantly being spun in today’s society”

Lucas Roets

I came out in such a peaceful state...

"Well done John. I have listened to plenty of meditation/hypnosis sessions in the past over decades and I cannot remember when I came out in such a peaceful state as when I have listened to your session one"

John Pascoe

"...The other reason I like your work is that I know it is important to repeat the sessions. With your work, I do get distracted, forget what you are doing, and go into trance! This actually causes me to WANT to listen to these tracks much more frequently than I would otherwise. I look forward to them instead of feeling like it is work or an obligation."

Barbara Bellinger

To read more comments about John's transnational work check out the full testimonials page

PLUS Special Bonus Content:

Helping You Succeed With Some Complimentary Bouses

Abundance Mentality Hypnosis Session:

Successful people think in a ‘certain way’. They have an attitude of success that infiltrates every area of their life. It is a way of thinking that influences the success in their life.

  • Bring the power of an Abundant Mentality into your life and know you WILL succeed
  • Recognise the abundance that surrounds you and focus your attention on your success. Make the most of where you are right now
  • Unleash an attitude of success into every area of your life and see an immediate impact of how you feel and how others perceive you

Activate YOUR Abundance Mentality effortlessly and easily with this dynamic Abundance Mentality Hypnosis MP3.

Abundance Mentality Conscious Mind Primer:

Banish the poverty blocks that are hindering your wealth creation and learn the simple mindset changes you can make to allow yourself to welcome riches into your life.

This 11 minute Conscious Mind MP3 is designed to work in harmony with the Abundance Mentality Hypnosis Session to help prime your mind for an abundant mindset.

Focus and Tranquillity Breathwork:

In this PDF I will share with you a whole brain activation technique that I learnt from a Baba (holy man) in Goa. This is a great breathing technique that I use myself every morning to fully wake up my mind to start the day.

The benefits of this Alternate Nostril Breathing are:

  • Improves whole brain function
  • Cleans your lungs
  • Promotes a calmer emotional state
  • Improves restorative sleep
  • Great before for meditation and hypnosis
  • Calms nervous system
  • Enhances rest and relaxation

Morning Gratitude Booster:

Imagine if you started every day being grateful and seeing yourself from the perspective of someone who loves you? If you saw yourself in this positive light, from a position of love, how great would that make you feel? How different do you think you would feel carrying those feelings of gratitude throughout the day?

When you are grateful for what you have and who you are, then you can begin effortlessly attracting more of what you do want. Improve yourself in greater ways, coming from a position of gratitude and positivity.

Plus it feels great, being grateful and feeling loved. It makes us all feel great. And when you feel wonderful you radiate that out. You enjoy your day more and others enjoy your company more when you’re radiating grateful happiness.

With 60 Days 100% Money Back Guarantee

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Risk Free. Give Personal Transformation 60 days, and if you are not happy and don’t find yourself making positive changes, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full…no questions asked.

I think you will be surprised how comprehensive and yet simple to implement this series is and that you will be 100% satisfied.

Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that. Love it or your money back.

Create Deep and Lasting Change with the Power of Hypnosis and NLP

Reprogramming and Rewiring your Brain for Success and Happiness

This approach is the most direct and effective way of making lasting change

Get Started NowClick to Order Today

Get Started Now For Just a One Time Payment of $295  Only $47

When You Invest In Personal TransformationsTM large Today You Will Receive:

The Full Personal Transformation Series:

Six targeted components focused on six essential areas of you. Each containing 3 fundamental elements:

  • Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions
  • Powerful Mind Reprogramming Tools
  • Effortless HyonosisSleep Sessions

Changing Consciously & Unconsciously. Both Together at the Same Time. Empowering both your conscious and unconscious mind and getting them working in harmony together to achieve your goals. (Each one of these components is easily worth $69 each!)

  • Confidence and Charisma: Get the Confidence to know you can succeed and the Charisma to let the inner you shine out. Become confident with competence
  • Self Image Supercharger: Create a positive self-image, a guide map of how you want to be. Then make the changes that are right for you and become the very best version of yourself
  • Instant Motivation: Become motivated and excited to achieve your goals, both in your personal and business life
  • Creativity Activator: See the creative solutions and opportunities in your life. Harness the awesome power of your creative mind
  • Positivity: Enjoy life more with the power of a positive attitude. Smile more and see the ‘silver lining’. With a positive perspective you are healthier, happier and wealthier
  • Life Long Happiness: Be in the driving seat of your own emotions. Increase, improve and ramp up your ‘background’ happiness. Feel great everyday

Plus Unbelievable Amounts of Bonus Content

Specially chosen to complement and enhance your Personal Transformation journey even further.
To give you a powerful head start for your own Personal Transformation Journey.

  • Abundance Mentality Hypnosis Session: Activate your abundance mentality effortlessly and easily unleash an attitude of success into every area of your life
  • Abundance Mentality Conscious Mind Primer: Banish the poverty blocks that are hindering your wealth creation and start welcoming riches into your life
  • Focus and Tranquility Breathwork: Get your whole brain activated. This breathing technique improves your brain function and increases your health and relaxation
  • Morning Gratitude Booster: Start every day from a position of gratitude, then you will begin effortlessly attracting more of what you want

All this amazing content is easily worth Hundreds of Dollars. In fact I’ve paid in excess of $50 000 dollars learning this information! And spent over 20 years doing it. But I’m not going to charge you $50 000, that would be crazy!

In fact the total value of all the content that you get instant access to in Personal Transformation is easily worth over $999. But I am not going to charge you anywhere near this amount because I want as many (serious and committed) people as possible to benefit from this valuable information.

Today you can start your transformational journey for a HUGE% off the normal retail price as a special 4-day special discount offer. I know you are someone who already appreciates personal development and, like me, are interested in getting the very best out of our hypnosis experiences. So today you can get started with Personal Transformations and continue your own personal transformation for just $47

The whole system and all the bonus material for just $295 $47 as part of a 4-day special discount offer.

Get Started Now For Just a One Time Payment of $295  Only $47

Each module alone is worth more than this but when you buy today you get all 6 modules for just $47… but this offer is only available for 5 days.

You can still start your transformational journey for 80% off the normal retail price as part of my 4-day discount discount.

I know you are someone who already appreciates personal development and, like me, are interested in getting the very best out of our hypnosis experiences. So today you can get started with Personal Transformations and continue your own personal transformational journey into becoming the very best version of yourself.

The whole Personal Transformation journey and all the bonus material for just $295 $47 as part of a 4-day special discount offer.

This is an instant download series. No waiting on the postman, better for the environment and you get instant access even at 3am!

Everything is neatly housed in a members site, meaning you will ALWAYS have access to your product even if you lose your downloads.

YES! John, I am ready to get started Now with Personal Transformation and make the changes I want in my life, quickly and easily.

I understand that by buying Personal Transformation today, I am receiving a HUGE 75% Discount that is available for a limited time only. Plus the Awesome bonus content.

$197  Only $47

Get Started NowClick to Order Today

P.S. Remember, you have nothing to lose, there is no risk involved, only massive life changing benefits to gain. You have 60 days to get a FULL, no questions asked, refund

P.P.S Remember, for the 5 days only you can get instant access to the Complete Personal Transformation Series for just $47

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