Relax, De-stress and Clear the Way For Your Ideal Future By Effortlessly Removing The Mental Blocks Holding You Back. 

Remove the limiting beliefs and blockages that are holding you back. Instead replace them with empowering beliefs that will move you forward towards your goals.

Relax and drift away with the music…

This Breakthrough hypnosis session is perfect for any area of life that you want to remove blockages to your success.

As you relax and listen to this hypnosis session it sweeps away subconscious negativity and negative blocks while opening up new opportunities.

Set an intention and focus on improving any area of your life with this hypnosis session

Perfect for repeated listening… Anytime you want to boost and compound your levels of positivity

Clear out the subconscious negative thoughts, and emotional baggage with this powerful hypnosis session.

With The Clearing Trance You:

  • Create More Empowering Thoughts about Yourself
  • Transform Negativity and Achieve Peace of Mind
  • Cleanse Your Mind, Body and Soul

Get Started Today and Clear the Way for a More Empowering Future

The Clearing Trance Dynamic Hypnosis Session Just $27

Get Started NowClick Here To Order Today

*Instant MP3 Download

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100% 60 Day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee…

Taking all the risk off you. Because its on me!

Give The Clearing Trance 60 days, and if you are not happy and don’t find yourself making positive changes, just let me know and I will refund your purchase in full…no questions asked.

I think you will be surprised how comprehensive and yet simple to implement this series is and that you will be 100% satisfied. Your satisfaction is my #1 priority, so if you are not happy, I don’t want your money. It’s as simple as that.

Customer Success - Personal Transformation Testimonials 

“I’ve got to say your hypnosis is “mind bending.” Even after listening to many other hypnotists and recordings over the years and being an Ericksonian hypnotherapist!”

Jamie Long

“Well done John. I have listened to plenty of meditation/hypnosis sessions in the past over decades and I cannot remember when I came out in such a peaceful state."

John Pascoe

“I see things in my life manifesting in unexplainable ways. Something must be working on a subliminal level”

Preston Martelly

“Amazing stuff! John, I think what you have created borders on magic.”


To read more comments about John's transnational work check out the full testimonials page

Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions

With These Dynamic Hypnosis Session You Can Control Your Mind and Transform Your Life

Hypnosis is the fastest and most effective way to make lasting change. Cutting straight through to the subconscious to effortlessly reprogram your mind for instant changes.

The proven results of hypnosis speak for themselves and are used by: Successful Entrepreneurs, Hollywood Celebrities, Professional Athletes, Musicians, and the list just goes on and on. It's time for YOU to have the Attitude of Success too.

Our brains are brimming with electrical activity every single minute of our lives. Brainwaves differ from each other by their frequency. From the busy Beta waves of normal waking conditions, to the deep Delta waves of sleep.

Theta Brainwaves sit on the cusps between relaxed Alpha and the deep sleep Delta. It is here that you are in the perfect state for accelerated learning.

This hypnosis recording also comes with a bonus extra recording with Theta Binaural Beats to easily assist you into the right relaxed state of mind for change.

It’s Time to Harness the Power of Your BRAINWAVES...

This powerful hypnosis recording goes deep into your unconscious to maximize your hidden potential. Download the Eyes Open to Opportunities Hypnosis Session now and start thinking in the way of the successful with the knowledge that you can and you will succeed.

Clear the Way and Empower
Your Soul For Your Ideal Future

YES! John, I am ready to get started Now with The Clearing Trance for Only $27 and make way for a brighter future

Get Started NowClick Here To Order Today

Plus... FREE Bonus: Pure Relaxation

Boost Your Health, Increase Your Memory and Concentration, Look and Feel Great, and Reduce Your Stress... All in Just 27 Minutes

  • Raise your immune system, boost your health and accelerate your healing. Allow your body and mind time to rejuvenate and energise
  • Increase your memory and concentration. Regularly relaxing and using theta brainwaves will boost your brain power throughout the day
  • Reduce your stress. Increasingly stress is recognised as the route cause to many illnesses both mental and physical
  • Think clearly. When you are relaxed you are in a much better position to make good decisions and see opportunities that the stressed mind will often miss
  • Look and feel more youthful. Stress actually releases oils and toxins into your skin and encourages cravings for 'comfort foods'
  • Create deeper connections with your emotions and get 'in the mood'. Research confirms it, stress zaps your libido and clouds your emotions

Do YOU Find it Difficult to ‘Switch Off’ at the End of the Day and
Leave the Stresses of the Day Behind?

We live in a world that demands fast results and constant productivity. So many people find after a whole day wound up in the trials of their day, they find it difficult to relax when they get home.

When the concerns and stresses of your day invade your down time, this has a negative effect on your relationships, family time and your own well being.

We all know we should walk away at the end of the work day, leave the stresses behind and take time out for us. But we need a way to make that switch...

You Need to Take Active Steps to RELAX Properly

Combining Beautiful Relaxing Music with
Powerful Dynamic Hypnosis for Awesome

Hypnosis Cuts Straight Through the Negativity

The ultimate in easy learning, easy relaxation. All you have to do is press play, lay back and the hypnosis does the rest. Hypnosis cuts straight to your unconscious mind and effortlessly reprograms your mind for instant changes. So you will be more relaxed throughout the day, even in situations that may have previously stressed you out.

Music Has an Amazing Effect on the Mind

Music affects your mood… playing a cheerful song will go a long way to improving your mood and mellow music can help you sleep at night. The right music is a powerful medium for change. Using music by Christopher Lloyd Clark BSc, MscD. Music that encourages deep relaxation, spiritual awakening, healing and altered sates of consciousness.

Brainwave Entrainment Technology Guides You into Deeply Relaxing and Meditative Theta

Our brains are brimming with electrical activity every single minute of our lives. Brainwaves differ from each other by their frequency. Theta Brainwaves sit on the cusps between relaxed Alpha and the deep sleep of Delta. It is here that you are in the perfect state to let go of stress and encourage your mind and body to rejuvenate. And that is why Theta Binaural Beats are used in these recordings.

Reduce Stress, Be Healthier and Increase Your Feelings of Well Being and Happiness in Your Life with Pure Relaxation Hypnosis

Now, consider for a moment what this incredible hypnosis could mean to you...

If when you got home from work you took just 30 minutes for yourself to listen to this incredible track, to relax and to ‘switch off’ from the stresses of work, how much more enjoyable and relaxing would the rest of your evening be. How much more able would you be to face any challenges life has to offer and how much easier would solutions come to you.

The proven results of hypnosis speak for themselves and are used by: Successful Entrepreneurs, Hollywood Celebrities, Professional Athletes, Musicians, and the list just goes on and on.

It’s Time to Harness the Power of Your BRAINWAVES

YES! John, I am ready to get started Now with The Clearing Trance Plus Pure Relaxation (worth $27 for $0.0) for Only $27 and make way for a brighter future

Get Started NowClick Here To Order Today

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