Yoga Nidra - The Yoga of Waking Sleep

Embrace the Transformative Power of Yoga Nidra: Self-Discovery and Spiritual Awakening through the Ancient Practice of Deep Meditation

* Enhances Mental Clarity & Focus
* Increases Feelings of Well-Being & Inner Peace
* Helps to Release Negative Emotions & Patterns
* Promotes Feelings of Inner Peace & Bliss
* Facilitates Connection to a Higher State of Consciousness

Welcome to the transformative world of Yoga Nidra – the ancient practice of deep meditation that has been revered for centuries for its powerful effects on the mind, body, and spirit.

The first known descriptions of Yoga Nidra are written in the Mahabharata, from the 3rd century.

In this ancient Indian epic, Yoga Nidra is described as: A powerful technique used by the sages and warriors to gain mastery over the mind and body.

It is said that through the practice of Yoga Nidra, “One can attain a state of deep relaxation and inner peace, allowing them to access higher levels of consciousness and gain control over their thoughts and emotions”.

The practice of Yoga Nidra is a journey inside, where we surrender ourselves to the divine and connect with the essence of our being.

It is a state of deep meditation where the body is stilled and the mind is at peace… allowing you to transcend ‘ego’ and access the highest realms of consciousness.

Through this simple practice you’re able to tap into the inner wisdom and divinity that lies within us all… and align with the universal energy that pervades all.

"Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit: Discover the Healing Power of Yoga Nidra - The Yoga of Waking Sleep"

This is my guided Yoga Nidra for Deep Healing Bliss

Transformational Instant Download $27.00
Just $11.11

It's all in the 'Vibration' or Frequency

Enter a state of mind between wakefulness and sleep, where you'll find yourself going deeper… becoming increasingly aware of your inner world. 

This recording is special, so it needed some special sound frequencies...

For this session I've used an ‘Om Drone’ in the Key of G to take you deep...

"OM (or AUM) is the primordial sound of the Universe. It's the sound of ascent. It has no beginning or end. It has no past or future”

Om is more than a sound, it is said to be the vibration of the Universe. The frequency of the energy that connects and joins all things together. And it lingers and flows like energy itself.

An Om drone is a deep and sustained sound that is often used in meditation and yoga practices. The sound is said to vibrate at the same frequency as the universe, and it is believed to resonate with the energy of the body and mind, helping to bring them into balance.

Yoga Nidra for Deep Healing Bliss, Inner Peace & Accessing Higher Levels of Consciousness

"No words can express the gratitude I feel towards you for creating all these absolutely awesome recordings."

Barry H

"THANK YOU for being so generous, infinite blessings back to you!!!"

Elsa M

"Very cool little synchronicity's have been popping up and my head is buzzing.... very cool new vibration. Thanks much! Namaste."

Becky T

"This is totally awesome. I feel phenomenal. Thank you for sharing. Everyday has been better than the last… Words cannot express how grateful I am."

Tellie K

"Embrace the Divine Transformation of Yoga Nidra: A Soulful Journey to Connect with the Universe and Find Inner Peace"

Transformational Instant Download $27.00  Just $11.11


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