Congratulations: Time to Boost Your Confidence & Charisma

You will get best results if you listen to this session 3-5 times in the first week. Because repetition is the key in life... "Synapses that fire together, wire together." The more you do a thing the the easier it becomes.

Whilst you drift into hypnosis (what is Hypnosis?) with the relaxing music you put the powerful resources of your unconscious mind to work. Reprogramming and supercharging your unconscious mind.

Hypnosis has been shown time and time again to rapidly create and strengthen neural connections. When you use Hypnosis recordings regularly, the results are exponential.

1: Your Dynamic Hypnosis Session: Confidence & Charisma

Dynamic Hypnosis

2: Confidence & Charisma with Theta Binaural Beats.

Binaural Beats are a form of Brainwave Entrainment (BWE) that naturally synchronises your brainwaves to the theta brainwave, helping you go even deeper into trance.

headphones are needed for this session.

Hypnosis with BWE

Simply RIGHT CLICK on the large download links and depending on your browser, choose: ‘Save Target As…’ ‘Save Link As…’ or ‘Download Linked File As…’.  You can then save your Mp3 onto your computer. For more download advice see below.

Unadvertised Bonus: HypnosisSleep Edition

The ultimate in easy learning, all you have to do is press play, lay back and get a great nights sleep.

The HypnosisSleep session is designed for when you're going to sleep. Simply put it on (no headphones needed) and relax and drift away. There is no wake-up with this recording, you will simple wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and lighter. This session is designed to be listened to after the main Hypnosis sessions and will give you long term reinforcement while you sleep.

Confidence & Charisma is part of the 6 week Personal Transformation program

Find Out About the FULL Program

Transform Your Life & Supercharge Yourself in 6 Weeks

Unlock Your Full Potential Today

  • Enhance Your Charisma and Boost Your Confidence. Unleash Your Inner Celebrity
  • Increase Your Self-Image, Boost Your Self-Esteem and Increase Your Self-Worth
  • Re-Pattern Your Brain for Success, Become Motivated, Creative and More...

Confident, Focused, Motivated, Creative, Happy, Abundant

This System Includes Six Targeted Modules:

  • Confidence & Charisma: Let the inner you shine out
  • Self Image Supercharger: Create a positive self-image
  • Instant Motivation: Become motivated & achieve your goals
  • Creativity Activator: See the creative solutions & opportunities
  • Positivity: Enjoy life more with the power of a Positive Attitude
  • Lifelong Happiness - Be in control of your own emotions

Each Module Containing 3 Fundamental Elements:

  • Dynamic Hypnosis Sessions
  • Powerful Mind Reprogramming Tools
  • Effortless HyonosisSleep Sessions

The Full Personal Transformation System: 6 Targeted Modules Each Combining the Power of Hypnosis, NLP and HypnosisSleep Sessions

Create Deep and Lasting Change with the Power of Hypnosis and NLP, Rewiring Your Brain for Success and Happiness

Originally: $297 Now Just: $47

Get Started Today60 Days Money Back Guarentee
  • Chrome

    Select “Save Link As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer

  • Firefox

    Select “Save Link As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer

  • Safari

    Select “Download Linked File As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer

  • Internet Explorer

    Select “Save Target As” when you left click on the button above save the file to your computer

Downloading For Mobiles and Tablets

There are some phones (and operating systems) that may need one of the following methods to successfully download your new purchase.

  • Download it to direct to your computer then transfer the files across.
  • Use a Download Manager to help download.