Words of Power II

Look at the following sets of statements below...

How do they make you feel when you read them? Which ones resonate most with you and how you view yourself and your situation...

Score ONE for every answer you identify with in RIGHT hand side column. and Score ZERO for every answer you identify with in the LEFT hand side column.

Excuses that LIMIT You

Beliefs that EMPOWER

“How can I get money from people?”

“What can I give to receive money from people?”

“Money isn’t important”

“Money is freedom”

“I don’t deserve money”

“Everyone deserves the money they want”

“I’m not clever enough to become rich”

“Getting rich isn’t rocket science” (even rocket science isn’t that complicated if you are interested in learning it!)

“Money can’t buy me love”

“Money gives me the opportunity to express my love in bigger ways”

“I’m too old to become rich”

“Any adult in control of their thinking can become rich”

“I can’t be spiritual and wealthy”

“When you have money you can spend more time being spiritual or you can spend that time showing others how to become more spiritual”

“The government have made it so people like us can’t become rich”

“When you have money you can spend more time being spiritual or you can spend that time showing others how to become more spiritual”

“They have made so many rules that it’s impossible for people like us to become rich”

“The person who is in control of my life, is me!”

“Why can’t I get a break”

“I am happy and grateful for what I have and I am working towards achieving more and the life of my dreams”

“I could have had more but ____”

“What has happened in the past is in the past, the future is ahead and now is the best time to become rich”

“Good things happen to those that wait?”

"Death comes to those that wait – get up and change your life. If you want something different go and get it!"

“It’s just the way I am, I can’t change”

"The only way to change your life is to change something, do something about it, YOU are in control. Don’t limit yourself."

“I’ve already read books and watch videos about wealth and they didn’t work”

“It is only possible to fail if you give up”

How Did You Do?

Did the statements in the LEFT or RIGHT most resonate with you...

Score ONE for every answer you identify with in RIGHT hand side column. Score ZERO for every answer you identify with in the LEFT hand side column.

Then add up your scores and compare your results below (if you're happy to, remember to share your results in the comments below)

1-5 Low. These mindsets are holding you back. Let go of negative mindsets [free video]

6-10 Medium. You know the mindset you need, supercharge your abundance [free video]

11-14 High. This is it... if you're not totally Abundant all you need is a Clear Mental Image and to take some action [free video]

Failure happens when you stop trying. While you are still heading towards your goals you are still working towards them and succeeding to getting closer to them.

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  • David

    Reply Reply June 6, 2018

    I have to admit, I resonated with quite a few on the left… but then when I read the alternative though on the right I realised I DO believe those sentiments. I need to remember the new thoughts moving forward. Thank you John

  • Jan

    Reply Reply June 6, 2018

    thank you John… I got 11. time to get my cmi clear 🙂

    • John Vincent

      Reply Reply June 6, 2018

      Oh yes.. it all starts with a good CMI 🙂

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